A recent investigation shows the “mutant” animals of Chernobyl. Among other things, there is talk of “confused” spiders and darker frogs. There are many mysteries that surround this accident at a nuclear plant.
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A radiation 400 times higher than the bomb of Hiroshima
The Russian government had to evacuate, in an emergency, 116 thousand people. For example, the city of Pripyat was completely evicted, which at that time had 48,000 inhabitants. This town is three kilometers from Chernobyl.
The so-called “exclusion zone” was created. This is a 2,590-kilometer area where every living thing was wiped out. For example, killings of pets and other wildlife were carried out at the site.
The reason is that it was feared that the animals would spread the radiation. Today, it is known that nuclear material does have effects on fauna. For this reason, the living species of the area have been investigated to know the effects.
Are there mutated animals from Chernobyl?
The truth is that, to this day, there have been no sightings of three-eyed cows or two-headed bears. What could be observed is behavior changes of the species that live there.
Many animals were abandoned and changed their habits. For example, cows abandoned next to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant turned feral. However, genetic modifications are the most dangerous.
Living beings persist in the area: bears, wolves, horses, birds and many more. It was thought that radiation would kill life, but it has run its course. However, what has become are adaptive responses to radiation.
For example, frogs are darker in color. The reason is that this hue in their bodies protects them from the radioactive. Much like seeing Darwin’s ideas applied to a high-radiation environment.
Also striking is the case of spiders, which weave “messy cobwebs”. They do not have a pattern, as it seems that the dense environment of the radiation confuses them.
Other changes are seen in birds, which suffer from albinism. Similarly, in the case of insects that have changed the color of their bodies. Even some species of bedbug now lack an eye.
The truth is that it is a subject with open debate. In addition, the effects of this radiation have yet to be compared in other living beings. For example, a Chernobyl fungus was discovered that transforms radiation into energy.
The mutation vs the adaptation of animals?
The truth is that life has continued in Chernobyl. Living beings reproduce and adapt to new situations. Incredible as it sounds, radioactivity will generate a new type of adaptation never seen before.
Therefore, this nuclear accident shows us what can happen in the event of radioactive releases. Life, existing beings, would change and adapt to this strange and confusing new scenario.
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