With symptoms similar to the common cold, the allergic rhinitis It is characterized by itchy eyes, congestion, coughing, sneezing, fatigue, and a runny nose. But, unlike a cold, it is not caused by a virus, but rather is a response to allergens such as pollen or dust mites. This means that the immune system detects a substance as harmful and antibodies are produced to attack it.
Also known as “hay fever”, it is not a serious health problem compared to others. However, it can become very annoying and even cause problems sleeping or carrying out day-to-day activities, since the ability to concentrate and general well-being are affected.
In recent years, cases have increased, especially in children and adolescents. Today, allergic rhinitis is estimated to affect one-third of the world’s population at some point in life.
The emotional meaning of allergic rhinitis
From another perspective, allergic rhinitis could have other causes that go beyond allergens. From some approaches of psychology and, especially, psychoanalysis, those feelings, conflicts or desires that are repressed and cannot be expressed return in the form of symptoms, in many cases physical.
We commonly call these psychosomatic illnesses. These types of conditions define a psychological condition that determines a problem at an organic level. How do you know if this is it? In these cases, the medical examination shows normal results, but the symptom remains. Sometimes, an emotional state can even modify these normal values.
From this approach, allergies are quite graphic, since in them the immune system detects a stimulus as a threat and, as a reaction, defends itself by releasing antibodies and inflaming the mucous membranes.
Breathing is also especially linked to emotions. In the case of allergic rhinitis this could mean:
- Dejection (“shortness of breath”)
- Sadness
- Depression
- Lack of support and perceived protection
Therefore, from its emotional meaning, allergic rhinitis could be like a kind of contained crying, of a sadness that cannot be discharged.
Air is vital energy, the source of life. Therefore, the sensation of blocking your income or lack of it could be a sign of distressing experiences that have not been processed in a good way, such as loss of loved ones, guilt, abandonment, among many others.
Along with these arguments, it has also been pointed out that those who suffer from allergic rhinitis are usually very sensitive and perceptive to the outside world.
Finally, from the neurosciences, a study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry indicated the link between allergic rhinitis and depression. Within their conclusions, the authors pointed out that the mechanisms of inflammatory diseases such as this one are very similar to those that produce psychiatric diseases.
What do you think about the emotional aspect of diseases?
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