As we have seen before, the Independence from Mexico It was not a single event, but rather a long historical process that took several years and involved many important figures in the history of Mexico.
At first the revolutionary struggle it was led by Hidalgo and, at his death, by Morelos. It was exactly Morelos who led the independence movement beyond weapons. He was the promoter of Mexican Declaration of Independence. Let us know, then, the ideas of Morelos and his project for the country.
one of the first institutions created by him independence movement was the Supreme Governing Board from America. Its creator was Ignacio López Rayón. The work of the Supreme Board began in August 1811, in Zitácuaro. Thanks to the formation of this Board, the nucleus of the first uprising would stay together.
However, the main objective of the Supreme Board of Governors of America (to enact a Constitution) failure. And the institution ended up being dissolved in 1813, evicted by Calleja’s royalist troops.
Inside the revolution, Lopez Rayon Y Morelos supported different projects for the new nation. López Rayón> thought that sovereignty resided in the king and, therefore, sought to establish a monarchy. On the contrary, Morelos argued that the people were the repository of sovereignty, pointed out that Mexico was one democracy.
Following his democratic ideas, Morelos launched a call for election deputies to install a Congress. Two deputies were elected by popular vote and six were appointed as representatives of the “oppressed part of the nation.” Added to this were the members of the Zitacuaro Board.
The Congress of Anahuac or Chilpancingo Congress began its activity on September 14, 1813. This new institution replaced the dissolved meeting of Zitácuaro.
At the opening of the Congress, Morelos pronounced the famous document called Sentiments of the Nation. In this speech, the leader of the revolution defends the importance of Human Rights and the Freedom. This message had a great impact, which is why it is considered the first antecedent of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
A few later, the November 6, 1813 (exactly 196 years ago) the Anahuac Congress made the Declaration of Independence, which broke with three centuries of colonial domination. Congress signed the Solemn Act of the Declaration of Independence of North America, drafted by Carlos María de Bustamante. The Declaration of Independence argued that North America:
“He has regained the exercise of his sovereignty usurped; that in such concept the dependence on the Spanish throne is forever broken and dissolved; that he is an arbiter to establish the laws that suit him, for the best arrangement and inner happiness: to make the war and peace and establish relations with monarchs and republics.
The deputies of the Anahuac Congress< appointed Morelos for the executive government with the title of “Serene Highness”, but at the request of the same Morelos “Servant of the Nation” was chosen.
The October 22, 1814the Congress of Anahuac published in Apatzingán the Constitutional Decree for the freedom of Mexican America. It was established in it that the government would be made up of a triumvirate. they integrated it Jose Maria Morelos, Jose Maria Liceaga, Jose Maria Cos.
After this important event in Mexican history, the revolution re-entered a critical period. The royalists achieved a series of strategic victories.
The Congress He had to flee to avoid being captured. While he was fighting the Spanish army to protect Congress, Morelos was imprisoned. After being demoted, he was excommunicated and finally shot on December 22, 1815.
Morelos He found for his life an outcome similar to that of Gentlemanthe other great leader from the early stages of the struggle for Mexico’s independence. But without a doubt, his action and his legacy endured, continued by those who maintained the fight for the definitive expulsion of the Spanish from North America. Something that the Mexican people would take another decade to achieve.
Key figures in the Independence of Mexico
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
He was undoubtedly one of the most important characters in the Independence of Mexico and the main figure during the first stage of the independence processwhich he himself started.
Miguel Gregorio Hidalgo Villasenor He was a priest and soldier born in what is now known as Guanajuato in 1753. During his childhood and adolescence he studied Latin letters at the Colegio San Nicolás Obispo, in the province of Michoacán. It will be in this Jesuit institution where Hidalga begins to learn numerous languages and earn the respect of his companions for his sagacity. He became treasurer and, later, rector of this institution.
He was captured in March 1811 and shot after being tried, on July 30 of the same year in Chihuahua, at the age of 58.
Ignacio Allende
He was another of the key people in the first stage of Independence. After a long talk between Allende and Hidalgo, the Pain scream on September 16, 1810. It was also Allende who persuaded Hidalgo to take part in the uprising. He was betrayed by Ignacio Elizondo and captured along with Hidalgo, Juan Aldama, Mariano Abasolo and Mariano Jiménez. He was beheaded on July 26, 1811 and his head exhibited for several days to the inhabitants of Guanajuato to show how the insurgents would be punished.
If Miguel Hidalgo was key during the first stage of independence, Morelos was the key figure in the second phase (1811-1815). Jose maria morelos and pavon.
Also a priest and military man, he was appointed in October 1810 by Hidalgo as head of the insurgent troops of southern Mexicowhere he won important victories until he conquered much of the south and center of the country and became the main enemy of the royalist army.
He was captured, already weakened, by Colonel Manuel de la Concha. He was tried and sentenced to death, shot December 22, 1815.
Vicente Guerrero
Vicente Ramón Guerrero Saldaña was a Mexican soldier who led the independence side during the resistance phase of the War of Independence. He agreed the agree with the royalist side which led to the union of the royalist and insurgent armies and the entry of both into Mexico City. Vicente Guerrero is another of the most important personalities of the Independence process, he was even president of the country between April and December 1829.
He was betrayed by Anastasio Bustamante (Vice President) and José Antonio Facio (Minister of War). Arrested, he was tried in a military trial and sentenced to death. He was executed on February 14, 1831in what was an international scandal.
Agustin de Iturbide
He was one of the foremost leaders of the realistic army, but he also knew how to agree with the revolutionary troops. He signed the Pact of Iguala with Vicente Guerrero and came to proclaim himself emperor. However, the very council that he created named him persona non grata after he left the country due to the uprisings under his mandate. Iturbe, who was unaware of this fact, returned to Mexico in 1824 to warn about treasonous plans that were brewing in Spain. He was arrested in Mexico and shot on July 19, 1824.
Part 1: Independence of Mexico: the Hidalgo Campaign
Part 2: Independence of Mexico: the Morelos Campaign
Part 3: The Declaration of Independence.