How and who built the Pyramids of Egypt It is a detail that we cannot stop investigating when studying the Pyramids of Giza. We have already seen in our previous article the religious significance of it, now we will see how this gigantic building. In order for them to have a dimension, consider that the cheops pyramid (the largest) has about 2,300,000 rock blocks of 2.5 tons each on average, and measures 144 m. high and 227 m. sideways.
The construction of each pyramid was organized by himself Pharaoh throughout his life, and it is estimated that they took decades to raise them. The historical sources do not reveal how many workers they were involved in the construction, but it is estimated that they could have been around 20,000 to 30,000 men. The vast majority of this workforce It was obtained from among the free men of the Egyptian population, since they were obliged to make benefits or tributes in work for the State.
The material with which they are constructed Egyptian pyramids is the stone, which was extracted from quarries through the use of chisels and beams. In this way they obtained large blocks of stone that were then transported to giza. In the image that appears below you can see a painting that represents the work in the quarries, chiseling the blocks.
It always comes up when talking about construction of the pyramids the question of how they transported such blocks of stone from the quarries to them. It is known that when building them -during the old kingdom– the wheel was not known in Egypt. The technique they used was transportation with wooden sledges. On them were located the stone blocks or the statues. Then the ground was wet, so that the sleds glided more easily.
There are also indications that the stones were transported for the construction of the pyramids in boats There are several reliefs that are preserved in the Museum from cairo that show it, as in the image that we see above. sailing the Nile river could unite the distant quarries of southern Egypt with the giza plateau.
More information:
Wikipedia, Giza Necropolis
Social Sciences 1, To think, societies in prehistory, in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Territories of the Present World. Editorial Kapeluz-Norm.