It is a blockbuster movie but the story behind it is not as it is told. So that you know how to differentiate reality from fiction, we are going to tell you everything about The boy who tamed the wind – True Story. And you will be surprised.
Netflix is one of the most prominent creators of content today, its series and movies are among the most captivating and exciting, surpassing, on many occasions, the classic film companies.
One of the latest successes that has gone through the platform is the film The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, a film of British origin that was, moreover, made -almost- entirely by its creator: Chiwetel Ejiofor, a personality that perhaps you don’t You haven’t heard anything so far.
Before continuing with the production of the film, we must tell you that in this article we will make a dent in some of those aspects that the film leaves unclear or that are not entirely true, one of the issues that always affects cinema. Let it be clear that by making these small assessments about The Boy Who Tamed the Wind we do not intend to harm the film or its creators, since we understand that the big screen requires certain standards that must be maintained in order to continue forward a project. With that said, let’s get started!
What is the true story of the boy who tamed the wind
There is one element that we must take into account and that is that the idea of the film stems from a concept that is that of ingenuity: indeed, the idea of the film’s protagonist is simply sensational. That is, the general or basic idea is well extracted.
Discover more characters from the story:
The sources of inspiration (in addition to information) of the film directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor who, in addition, participates as the father of the protagonist in the film are, basically, two:
The book (autobiography) co-written by the protagonist of this true story (William Kamkwamba) with Bryan Mealer in which he narrates everything that happened.
The TED talks or TED Talks (if you didn’t know about their existence, then we recommend you take a look at them because they’re great) given by William himself after becoming relatively famous thanks to what happened -yes, maybe not as much as now- .
The truth is the story takes place in Malawi or Malawian African country that was going through a serious series of crises, including the food crisis (specific context), but which also faces more general problems to which there was no solution due to other problems of the country such as corruption in government ( general context).
This is how this micro-macro connection is important because if we do not know what was happening in Malawi at that time, we could not understand the need that William’s people were going through at that time.
Speaking about what actually happened, it all starts because William, that is, the young Malawian who stars in the film, finds a science book that will be his “muse” of inspiration for what will happen next: the construction of a mill capable of capturing electricity. In fact, this is the feat that young William manages to accomplish: building a mill capable of generating wind-type energy (remember that we are in the year 2001) without having the necessary materials to carry out the project: to a great extent, as we can observe, it is about the conversion of, literally, garbage, to a great and brilliant invention that would benefit the entire William community.
Certainly the story of this young man could not go unnoticed nationally or globally, in a way, it was a true local heroalthough his work did not stop there, thanks to the aforementioned TED talks or TED Talksmanaged to get many investors to consider bringing electricity to the African country, which goes from being a local task to a national one.
But why and for what electricity? Simple, the water needed to be pumped from a well to the community, which did not receive this precious resource (which we sometimes forget gives us life) for life. Later, the life of young William would be clearly disrupted as a result of the coming to the world public light of what happened in Malawi in 2001since beyond helping his country, he was also able to study for a university degree (paying for his studies with talks) and properly trained in engineering.
Changes in the true story and the film of the Boy who tamed the wind.
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Changes in the true story and film of the Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
As we have previously commented, the work done by the writer and director of the film is remarkable, playing very well in that micro-macro context of the reality of the country compared to the reality of the community and of young William himself.
Among the items that we doubt its veracity they are more than anything details: for example, what we see in the film, that is, what we highlight about the micro-macro connection is the product of a subsequent analysis, perhaps, at the time, the protagonists were not fully aware of what that was happening in the country, be understood as clearly as we see it, on the big screen and after 18 years.
We can affirm that The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is a movie. that represents reality very well of what happened (it even respects the native language, recording in the original language of the site, Chichewa) and that, despite the fact that it was the director’s first project and the protagonist’s debut, the result is very well achieved.
Finally, it should be noted that, like any cinematographic projection, it is a message that the creator wants to conveyhere, without a doubt, is more than one.
First of all, the really appreciate what you have -more than anything for those of us who live in countries where economic conditions are better than in other parts of the world- and, secondly, The overcomingno matter what you want to do in or with your life, don’t stop trying, because you can achieve it.
A story of hope in full 2019where it seems that the world has become somewhat colder and that issues of overcoming and morals are not what the general public wants to see: The Boy Who Tamed the Wind is, in a way, a very interesting unicum.
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