The Black Prince, a legendary knight, part I –

Perhaps there is no time more attractive and romantic than that of the Middle Ages; that of the knights, that of the armored heroes, that of the great battles, that of courtesy and honor. And perhaps that is an image that we have arrived at because of what we have been sold in so many films on the subject. Because… who hasn’t heard of the Black Knight or Black Prince? Who does not remember those films in which a righteous knight appeared mounted on his steed with his black armor brandishing his coat of arms and his spear or sword? Those jousts and medieval tournaments, those battles, that respect that he earned among his rivals…

But much less that time was so honorable, nor so pleasant, nor so romantic, because although it is true that the black prince He showed his courtesy and magnanimity in many places, in many others he showed that the interest of the kingdom he defended was above all else.

Who was the Black Prince?

Edward of Woodstock He belonged to the Plantagenet dynasty and was the eldest son of King Edward of England. Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, Edward was born in the town for which he was always known, Woodstock, but he earned the nickname of the black prince for the armor he wore in every battle, given by his father, and with which he commanded respect from those who dared to confront him.

Brave, bold and highly intelligent, he soon became a great strategist, and his exploits began to become known both in his country, England, as well as in France and even in the kingdom of Castile. However, while some spoke of his treatment and his benevolence, in other cases episodes of authentic cruelty were narrated based on political interest in making the kingdom that he defended larger and more powerful. Blond and with blue eyes, he liked women, jewels and gambling, which even almost ended up ruining him, as well as knightly tournaments.

The political situation in Europe

England dominated a part of France from the twelfth century. Aquitaine was under English rule. However, in the year 1337, Philip VI of France removed the Aquitanian lordship from Edward III of England. The confrontation between two countries whose relations had always been bad was not long in coming. Eduardo III claimed the rights that he had over the Crown of France and even proclaimed himself king of the Gallic country. He had started the Hundred Years War. Two years later, in 1339, the English invaded France, and the history of black prince started.

(to be continue)