The Black Alien: The transspecies man who is modifying his body to be an alien

They call him The Black Alien: the transspecies man. He is subject is modifying his body to be an alien. He has said that he loves to walk down the street and that people “look at him with fear”. He wants to keep changing his body.

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He decided to change completely at the age of 24

This peculiar subject said, in an interview, that at that age he felt that he lived his life in the wrong way. He was not happy! At that time, he was a security guard and he wanted to drop everything to transform.

He moved to Australia and began to change. She sought professional help and started saving money to change her body. “Why does he do it?” They asked him in the interview. “I am passionate about mutations,” he replied.

He affirms that it is not fair that many generations pass to see the result of a mutation. He claims that he wants the changes in his body before he dies. This is why she has undergone so many cosmetic surgeries to alter her appearance.

Source: Under Word

How many operations and changes has this subject made?

He can be considered a surgery addict. Currently, he has the appearance of an alien. Many people are scared to look at him and many do not hide his displeasure in his presence. However, this man does not seem to care.

– He has 30 silicone implants in his face and skull, which totally modifies his face until he looks like an alien

– He sharpened his teeth, which makes them pointy and quite threatening

– Half of the upper lip was removed

– The sclera, the white area around the iris in the eye, is tattooed in green

– He cut off his nose, ears and also removed the fingers (little and ring) of his left hand

– The tongue was operated so that it has a forked appearance

The result? Well, its appearance does not go unnoticed. Seeing it can be shocking, sometimes being necessary to be prepared in advance for it. Furthermore, he claims that he has only made 41% of the planned changes.

Source: NewsUnzip

He says he also wants to amputate his leg.

Bring a list of all the changes you want to make to your body. He is missing something important: removing a leg and replacing it with a robotic prosthesis. In addition, she has tattooed all of her skin to show it off in a dark way.

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What is this behavior called in psychology? They classify it as “transspecies”, desire to change the body and feel identified with another species that is not human. Something that may sound quite strange!
