Human beings have a biological part and also a social part. We are both in constant interaction. We are animals, but at the same time we need relationships with others and we have the quality of being aware of our thoughts, especially of our existence in the world.
That is why we have different dimensions, in which our full potential unfolds. Know what they are and learn to see them in yourself.
1. Physics
The physical dimension is related to the body as a tool that allows us to act, connect with others and that affects our way of being in the world and even of seeing ourselves and recognizing ourselves.
This dimension includes the habits that keep our body in good condition, either internally or externally, for example: diet, personal hygiene, physical activity or medical check-ups.
2. Social
We are social beings and for this reason this is a very important dimension. It has to do with the relationship with others. We need to have contact with others in order to survive: the simplest example is that of the baby at birth, which needs warmth and physical contact to grow.
This dimension includes the ties of friendship, love, family, or any other type.
3. Cognitive
Each of us has a cognitive dimension that has to do with our ability to understand, reflect and explain the world of which we are a part. It has nothing to do with intelligence understood as academic performance, but rather with the ability to use the intellect to create concepts, modify the environment and make its existence conscious.
4. Emotional
We all also have an emotional or affective dimension that not only refers to the ability to feel emotions, but also to be able to identify them.
5. Communicative
The human being has a great capacity for communication, although it does not always work well. The language we use is very complex and speaks of our ability to create systems of symbols and signs to interact with others. It allows us to transmit ideas, emotions and experiences in a way that can be understood by others.
Source: Shutterstock
6. Spiritual
Human beings also have a spiritual dimension that has nothing to do with religion but with a subtle development linked to our need to understand the meaning of our own existence. The human being seeks to reflect on what he does not see, seeks a transcendental meaning or at least worries about its possible (or not) existence. This has accompanied us from very ancient times until today. Gods, fables, legends and rituals confirm it.
7. Aesthetics
This dimension has to do with the culture that has accompanied us since the beginning of humanity. Art has always been developed as a form of expression linked in many cases with religion.
8. Ethical-moral
Finally, this dimension has to do with the norms that man has created since the beginning of life in communities to interact with each other. They were not always formally established, but functioned by force of custom.
The ethical dimension, then, is related to the ability to differentiate what is or is not correct in a given society.
Do you recognize these dimensions in yourself? Which do you think is usually given more importance?
psychology and mind