The 6 possible levels of consciousness and how to reach them

Reaching a higher state of consciousness means having a high degree of attention and perception in which you can deeply understand reality and the spiritual aspects of life. This plays a major role in personal evolution and psychological development.

To reach the different levels of consciousness you have to make changes in your perception, attention and knowledge. If you are on the path of personal and spiritual evolution this can help you understand where you are and what is coming.

Below we will present the six levels of consciousness in which you can find yourself at different stages of life. You can see them as stages and ask yourself which one you think you are in and what would be missing to move on to the next one, and thus embark on a path of development in life.

1. Life happens to you

The less awareness you have, the more you feel like a victim of life. You never know what is going to happen, you can have a great day and the next day you fall ill or get fired from your job. When you live thinking that life is something that happens to you, you always feel it as a possible threat.

2. Life happens thanks to you

When you evolve to this stage, instead of feeling like a victim of life, you believe that you can control it. You can experience a great sense of personal power and while it is a necessary step out of the previous stage of victimization, many get stuck in this state and try to control everything around them. Religions try to control the masses, countries control other countries, majorities control minorities. Mainly, you try to control yourself in the hope of becoming what you think you should be.

3. Life happens inside you

Eventually you begin to realize that control did not bring you the happiness and joy you expected and to understand that you must be open to life and learn to listen to it.

At this moment you begin to evolve to the next level of consciousness and you are aware of something important: most of the time, rather than experiencing life, you stay in the thoughts you have about it.

You live life through your thoughts and do not experience it as it is. At this stage you discover that your suffering does not come from your experiences but from within you and from the stories you create about what is really happening. Therefore, the cure appears when you pay attention to what happens inside you.

4. Life happens for you

Through the learning of the previous stage you understand that your life is for you. More than something to control, life is something extraordinary, and you are getting closer to the path of greater awareness. Life is not made of random events but rather places you in the exact situations you need to go through to join its flow and understand that life knows what it is doing.

The flow of life includes pain, loss, and death, but resisting them will only cause you suffering. Your natural state is the relief of free flow.

5. Life happens through you

Life speaks to you all the time and you raise your level of consciousness by allowing life to move through you. At this stage you learn that you can trust her, that life is not always as you like it but she knows what she is doing. Life can move freely within you and this awakens in you a creativity that you had never imagined.

You experience a sense of deep gratitude for everything and see that everything that has happened to you, even the most difficult, is part of your path to return to life. You are fully here for life, now you can relax and be ready for adventure.

6. Life is you

The more you allow life to move within you instead of wanting to control it, the closer you get to the 6th level of consciousness.

In this you discover that you are not a separate being, you are completely united to the creative flow of life, because life is you. Every rock, person, cloud, molecule or insect is you. You are life!

To evolve towards these levels you have to learn to trust life and you do this by understanding that life is wiser than you. Open up to her!