The 10 most dangerous sects in history –

Although when we hear the word sect many times this causes fear and a certain curiosity, the truth is that there are fewer and fewer in the world and they have less influence than many years ago. When the sects were booming and there were many around the world, they tried to get followers to do everything their superior told them. Some sects still exist today, but they usually act in impoverished areas of the world and where there is not much culture or knowledge in their societies.

First of all, it is necessary to know exactly what a sect is, since it has to meet some conditions in order to be called as such. They are communities of people that not everyone can access, since you have to meet the conditions of the sect in many cases dangerous rituals or have important contacts. They are usually groups of a religious nature and in which a strong bond is developed between its members, thanks to their feeling of belonging to a family.

Next, these are the most dangerous sects in the world, some are still in force today.

Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan, also known by the acronym KKK, was a sect with a strong character of hatred, where enforced white supremacy in the US through acts of vandalism and violence, in addition to propagating racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia and anti-Catholicism. It was created in the 19th century, after the end of the Civil War, when a group of smaller sects ended up uniting to create a larger movement. This sect was very characteristic for its clothing, where they wore white clothing to symbolize purity and in all their meetings they burned Christian crosses. Although they dissolved, the reality is that there are still groups and small groups that follow their faith, especially in the southern part of the United States.


This sect, which was dissolved at the end of the year 2000, became known as Aum Shinrikyō, which translates as “the supreme truth” and was a sect that acted with terrorist attacks throughout the country of Japan. After a series of attacks perpetrated by some of the members of the sect, the new formation wants to get away from the attacks, preventing the entry of members who had any relationship with these events and created an aid fund where they raise money to help the victims of these crimes, although they continue to be monitored by the Japanese authorities. The ideas and doctrines that Aleph transmits are related to the Shiva deity.

the new jerusalem

Also called by some as the Traditional Catholic Church of La Ermita It is a community in the municipality of Turicato, in Mexico. They begin at the beginning of the 70’s, when they decide to comply with the writings of the Virgin of the Rosary, who was later called Mama Salomé and under their conditions to belong to this church they had to give up tobacco, drink, have a radio or television and even not being able to play any type of game that would cause a distraction, in addition to certain dress patterns. The problem began when certain members began to commit violent acts to try to get new followers through fear, it came to involve the mafias.


It is a religion created in 1950 that had a lot of media recognition since several Hollywood actors and artists belonged to it. This sect is based on the fact that each person lives with certain traumas since his birth and that does not allow him to know the reality of the world or of himself.


It is a religious sect of black supremacy that had its origin in the United States of America, which black Muslims created from the beliefs of Islam, although it has some influence from UFO sects and Shaverism. It was founded by an African-American musician and writer, named Dwight York, and they thought that the origin of animals and the human race was extraterrestrial and that therefore the black race was superior to all.

The Unification Church

The Unification Church, also known as the Holy Spirit Association or the Moon Sect, is a sect with a strong religious character that was founded in 1954 in South Korea by Sun Myung Moon, but it grew and expanding to many other corners of the world. In this sect an interpretation of the Bible is made, where Jesus asks the creator of the sect to finish the work that he could not complete.

the manson family

One of the most famous sects is the Manson Family, which was a group that was located in California in the 1960s and was headed by Charles Manson. They became known after the murder of a very important actress of the time, Sharon Tate, through several members of the family, although this was not the only murder or violent act they committed.


This sect begins in the late 90’s, in one of the neighborhoods of New York. Its founder was a computer programmer and a nurse who organized seminars and classes to recruit people with whom they would enhance their skills, charging each of them up to 8,000 euros per day. In order to be accepted into the group, the women were told that they had to submit underwear and nude photos of themselves, and if they ever said anything about the group’s existence, it would be leaked through various public media.

family of love

A very sex-oriented sect that has had many accusations, especially in recent years regarding sexual harassment of minors and white slavery, it is said that it has a very close relationship with some very dangerous eastern mafias.

The Raelians

This sect begins in the south of France, but over the years it has spread to various parts of Europe, including Spain. His main interest was to spread the word of the creator Elohim and the lessons that the aliens taught the leader Rael, after a series of ablutions.