Teresa Fidalgo: the origin of history –

Surely you have heard about the legend of the ghost of Teresa Fidalgo but what is real and what is fictional in this story? Here we tell you some data that is known (and others that are not so much) about this story and the documented evidence that certifies it.

The Ghost of Teresa Fidalgo

The teresa fidalgo story us moved to the Sintra road in Portugal, where his story is more than known for everything that has happened after his death. It all started in 1983 when Teresa Fidalgo died in a traffic accident. on the aforementioned road, Sintra. After her death there have been many people who have claimed to see her at that point but only one event is what made this ghost become truly popular, not only among the Portuguese but throughout the world.

In 1988, five years later of the death of Teresa Fidalgo, three teenagers (Tiago, David and Tania) went in their car to party, a journey that was supposed to be quiet and, in reality, they could never have imagined what they were going to experience that day.

Previously, they had given David a video camera so that all the way he was recording and testing the camera containing infrared. He was sitting in the back of the car and on the waythey came across a picture of a white lady that was on the road, they continued their journey for a few moments but immediately turned around to see what it was that they had just seen. Perhaps an illusion, a person who needed help… But they would never have thought that this person was Teresa Fidalgo.

When they went back, stopped next to her and invited her to get on to the car to take her somewhere, Teresa Fidalgo got into the vehicle while David continued recording. She introduced herself and said that her name was Teresa and, after a few minutes when everything seemed calm, Teresa told them “There, look there is where I had an accident and died”.

It is not difficult to imagine how they must have felt upon hearing that phrase from a girl who was dressed in white and with a somewhat unusual appearance. Teresa Fidalgo began to scream and, we can imagine that in panic, these three teenagers they suffered another traffic accident at the same point of the road.

in this accident Tiago and Tania died, David was the only survivor and one of the most relevant aspects is that the camera continued to record while the whole event was taking place, there was physical proof of everything they had just experienced, a terrifying testimony.

As you can already imagine, until the scene of the events moved the police to investigate what had happened, what was the real cause of the accident. Unquestionably, the police questioned David to find out what his testimony was about the accident, what had happened to have such a tragic outcome, and he told the truth about himself.

He reported that there was a fourth person in the vehicle that responded to the name of Teresa, but despite the fact that the police were searching in the surroundings of the accident, the body of a fourth person was never found. But one aspect that is important is that the police found out that 5 years ago, at that same point, a woman named Teresa Fidalgo had died and this meant that the news was the most talked about throughout the country.

Some say that it is true because that video that he recorded during the journey and the accident proves it and that the police confiscated it. But hey, it’s also important to say that the video was shot by David, one of those involved in the matter, who is a filmmaker. The video is probably fakeis a recreation of the urban novel of the hitchhikerbelongs to a short film called The curve, of which there is a short version and others a little longer. Even so, the video impresses those who see it, since it exploits a type of urban legend that we have all heard.

Hundreds of Highway Ghost Stories

The story of Teresa Fidalgo it has many points in common with other ghost stories around the world. In fact, those who work on this subject combine them within the category they call «road ghosts” either “highway ghosts«, and within it the most common variety is «ghost and hitchhiker«. These apparitions have been recorded for centuries throughout the world and there are records that go back even to the Middle Ages in Japan.

there really is Hundreds of recorded examples. But we have chosen one that particularly caught our attention. on the outskirts of the Argentine city of Paraná, a bus was circulating along the route. It was the middle of the night, so it was out of service and only the driver and a companion were on it.

According to what they say, they both suddenly saw that a young blonde woman was approaching from the back of the vehicle. Her eyes were red, her hair was disheveled and she had a very bad smell. In her hand was a bag…she approached the men and she opened the bag where there was a human head inside the bag. She asked: what was the end of the tour. Shortly afterwards she suddenly disappeared at a crossroads, a short distance from the Saint Benedict Cemetery

other type of highway ghosts they are the “pedestrians” who are walking or appear recklessly in the middle of the road. One of the most famous examples of this is the Spirit of Blue Bell Hillin Kent in Englandattributed to the shadow of a young woman killed in a traffic accident in 1965.

Of course, here in Spain We are no strangers to these ghostly phenomena on our roads. in Tarragonaon the road that passes through the Los Alfaques campsite the specters of some of the victims of a tragic fire that in 1978 ended the lives of 243 tourists have been seen.

If you like legends, don’t miss the story of Hachiko, the most faithful dog:

Other ghosts of the road

the legends of ghostly apparitions on the roads They exist in almost any culture. It will surely have a double psychological or social reading, a reason why roads are the source of myths and urban legends, some of them terrifying. Is it the fear of moving forward on the path of life? The fear of not knowing what we can find in the future and what could make us lose control?

Be that as it may, there are very varied legends. Although the most common is thecurve girl”. The details may vary depending on the place where it is told, but the story always has several points in common: a single person or a couple is driving at night on a secondary road and, at the foot of a curve, a woman in a white dress. At this point the details change depending on the legend, but the most common one says that if you catch the hitchhiker, there will come a time when she will say something like “that’s where I killed myself” or a similar lapidary phrase. The driver then loses control of the vehicle and crashes.

For example, very similar to this legend is that of a woman from Zihuatanejo (Mexico) who, according to legend, died beheaded on a journey on the highway that goes from Cárdenas-Zihuatanejo. The locals affirm that since then the ghost of a woman can be seen on the road, and that she is capable of making those who pass by her lose control of the vehicle.

But there are not only ghostly apparitions on roads, but there are roads that are a ghostly entity in themselves. It is the case of the road connecting Bremen with Bremerhavenwhich, more than being a ghost road, seems to have strange powers.

The road opened in 1929 and during the first year there were more than 100 accidents. The strangest thing of all is that all the accidents occurred at the same point, the km 239 which, to make it all a little more inexplicable, was a perfectly straight stretch of road.

The local peasants began to create stories about a demon, a supernatural entity that had possessed the area. Several experts visited the site and came to the conclusion that there must be some kind of magnetic force in the place that caused the accidents. This was proven when the iron rod that one of them was holding shot out of his hands upon reaching a specific point on the road: the place where the accidents occurred.

The solution was to bury a copper box that counteracted the magnetic energy. Since then, accidents have stopped. However, the mechanism they buried caused a deviation in the magnetic waves, which began to produce phone signal interference. This convinced the locals even more that an entity had taken over the place and that its power was so great that it was already able to control the waves and manifest itself through the telephone.

Why do urban legends of ghosts on the road arise?

The ghost urban legends on the road like Teresa Fidalgo with very common in the collective imagination of many cultures. The fact is that they are stories that everyone knows and that, for some reason, have the ability to make hair stand on end, even those who do not believe in these stories. Try driving at night on a lonely road listening to a road ghost story.

Perhaps the origin of these ghosts lies in the long journeys into the unknown that our ancestors made, without knowing very well what their destination was and what they were going to find there. The conquest of new land always brought surprises during the trip, and the appearance of other “ghosts”, such as nostalgia for the family.

Insecurity, fear of the unknown surely also influence the creation of these types of stories, even the superstition. It could be that in some areas these stories were created by peoples dissatisfied with the “invasion” of the roads and the tragedies that occurred on them.

However, we believe that the fundamental origin is in the very suggestion of the individual. Somehow, we like to be scared and make others go through it. The situation of a person alone in the car, at night, on a lonely road, with no one around who can “help” him, is disturbing enough to include a ghost in that set.

Common places in the urban legends of highways and ghosts

In this type of stories, legends or myths, call it what you want, there are always some common places, some recurring topics always and that they are already in the collective imagination of the whole world.

  • A single person or a couple always travels.
  • They always drive at night, and there is no one but them on the road.
  • There is a ghostly looking girl who appears on the side of the road in a white dress.
  • The girl always looks angelic and seems to have come out of a Frigo freezer, she has less expressiveness than Nicole Kidman after kilos of botox.
  • Someone died on that stretch of road at some point in the past, or a tragedy occurred nearby.
  • The victims die without the police or the locals being able to explain what happened.

This can lead one to think that they are “scripted” stories, so to speak, in the manner of tales or stories that fulfill the objective of being scary.

What are the most cursed roads or where the most appearances occur?

In Spain and also outside of it, if we start looking, there are a plurality of roads on which we can find stories that border on the inexplicable. Ghostly apparitions, not only of girls dressed in white, but even the appearance of a nun. This happens in Milanin Italy, where they say that a nun appears