Tell me what your eyes are like and I’ll tell you something you probably didn’t know

When we interact with someone and look into their eyes, we can learn a lot about that person. Some say that the eyes are a true “window to the soul.” The truth is that these particular organs provide, with a single glance, a large amount of information about our most personal characteristics.

In this note you will be able to know what the shape of your eyes says about you. In addition, you can try to identify what your face shows about you, what your toes say, or even what your way of sleeping says to get to know yourself even more.

To start, look at yourself in a mirror for a moment and define which of these shapes is the most predominant in your eyes.

1. Almond eyes

Almond-eyed people know how to manage their impulses very well and are self-disciplined. They have a lot of control over their emotions and are very warm, as well as sensitive. They usually have very good common sense.

2. Round shaped eyes

They are people whose eyes have very curved upper and lower lids. These people tend to be very dramatic at times, but also emotional. They tend to say whatever comes into their heads, they are creative and charming, as well as an eye-catching personality.

3. Close eyes

They love to know things in depth. People with less distant eyes are intolerant of temperature changes, traffic jams and external influences. Also, they get angry too often.

4. Eyes wide apart

The distance between the eyes of these people is greater than that of normal eyes. They are the opposite of people with close-set eyes: they tolerate changes in temperature, traffic jams and external influences. They are thinkers and innovators.

5. Sunken eyes

These types of people are intense, attentive and progressive. They love creative work like writing and art. Their observation is good and they are happy about it.

6. Small eyes

People with small eyes love all kinds of details, so they are perfectionists and attentive. They are of those who possess many abilities and have a very privileged mind.

7. Oblique eyes

In these types of eyes, the outer corner is much larger than the inner corner. They are highly optimistic, curious and determined people.

8. Eyes slanted down

People with downcast eyes are more prone to pessimism and discouragement. They are dedicated lovers.