If you thought that the only way to get a flat stomach was to do hundreds of sit-ups a day, you were wrong. Each body is different and, therefore, needs special care. Trainer James Duigan has identified five types of potbellies. Each of them requires a different approach to achieve the desired flat stomach. He identifies which is the one that corresponds to you to achieve a better look in a healthy way.
1. Tire belly
This type of belly is usually characteristic of people who lead a sedentary life, probably as a result of office jobs that keep them behind a desk for a long time. It is also possible that it corresponds to those who maintain an emotional attachment to sugary foods. It is usually accompanied by fat in the legs and in the hip area.
associated bad habits
– Little exercise – High consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates (cookies, cakes, white bread) and starchy carbohydrates (pasta, rice).
change plan
This type of belly is one of the easiest to eliminate, since its origin is in poor nutrition and lack of exercise. – Reduce alcohol consumption Alcohol prevents you from burning fat until your body has processed it. Plus, it’s a source of sugar that goes straight to your waistline. – Check your diet Avoid light snacks. Swap them out for fresh, unprocessed foods, like organic vegetables. Also try to eat fats that are good for your health, such as those found in avocados or nuts. These will stimulate your body to burn the fat in the abdominal area. It will also be important for you to stop dealing with problems or reward yourself by eating sweet things. – Get moving Exercise is essential for this kind of belly, although you do not need to go to a gym. You can do yoga or take long walks, and do lunges or squats at home.
2. Stress tummy
This type of belly usually corresponds to people who are too perfectionistic. It is also linked to digestive problems such as irritable bowel, which can cause bloating. The abdomen is usually quite hard to the touch and the weight is lodged in the diaphragm and umbilical area. This is because stress causes our body to produce cortisol, a hormone that causes the body to hold on to fat in the stomach area.
associated bad habits
– Skipping meals – Abusing the adrenal system with excessive caffeine consumption. – Much consumption of junk food for convenience.
change plan
– Sleep well You’ve probably noticed that you eat more when you’re tired. In these situations, our body often asks us for sugary foods to get an instant energy shock. This is because poor sleep disrupts the production of leptin, which is the hormone that helps regulate appetite and metabolism. Doing stretches and yoga poses in the evening can help lower cortisol levels. You can also relax with herbal teas like chamomile. – Limit coffee consumption To fight exhaustion, meditate, adopt relaxation strategies with deep breathing, and take long baths before bed. Limit coffee consumption to no more than two cups daily. – Do not demand your body too much Cardiovascular exercises that are too intense increase cortisol levels. Opt for yoga, walking, or resistance work with weights. This will give you strength and calm your body. – consume magnesium This mineral is ideal for stressed bellies. You can find it in green leafy vegetables, Brazil nuts, and seeds.
3. Tummy
It is often associated with those with demanding careers and busy lives. It can correspond to people addicted to the gym, who because they are always stuck in the same diet and exercise routine, fail to reduce the lower abdomen.
associated bad habits
– Excessive abdominal exercises and the use of elaborate gymnastics elements, which stress the hip flexors and lower back. As a consequence, the belly protrudes.
change plan
– Try to nourish yourself and eat a lot of fiber This is essential to reduce inflammation, swelling and end constipation, which tend to worsen this type of belly. Eat green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, and whole grains to get more fiber into your diet. Drinking plenty of water will also help reduce inflammation. – Swap crunches for push-ups Badly done sit-ups accentuate the lower curve of the back, marking the lower abdomen more. That’s why you should start doing push-ups. Lie on your stomach on a mat and support yourself on your forearms. Push up on your toes. Start by doing these exercises for ten seconds and continue until you can hold out for a full minute. – Throw away the weights By doing weights, you burn a lot of fat in a short time. Opt for repetitions of exercises such as squats or lunges to target individual muscle groups.
4. Pregnant belly
It corresponds to women who have given birth in recent years and have little time for themselves. It is necessary to retrain the pelvic floor and lower abdomen to increase blood flow and strengthen loose muscles.
associated bad habits
– Start exercising immediately after giving birth. – Stress about regaining pre-pregnancy weight.
change plan
– Try to eat good fats You can find them in nuts, olive oil, avocado, olives and chia seeds. In addition to helping you burn fat, they are good for fighting fatigue. – Exercises the pelvic floor Kegel exercises flatten the abdomen from the inside out. To do them, he tightens and relaxes his pelvic floor muscles. Do 15 or 20 repetitions in five daily sessions. – Avoid abs After delivery, the muscles that descend from the midline of the abdomen are separated. You need to let them recover. Instead of doing sit-ups, get on all fours and take a deep breath, bringing the air into your belly. Then exhale slowly. – Rest well Try taking naps during the day and stretching before bed. This will allow you to restore sleep hormones to increase fat burning.
5. Swollen belly
They are usually bellies that look flat in the morning but swell during the day. This is the product of food intolerances, allergies or lazy intestines that result from a poor diet.
associated bad habits
– Always eat the same foods without noticing that you are intolerant to them.
change plan
– Identify your intolerance The most common are wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, cakes, pizzas, pies, and cereals), alcohol, yeast (in muffins, beer, and cakes), and processed dairy products (cheese, milk, butter). . – Know your belly Experiment to find out what’s wrong with you. For example, eliminate gluten from your diet for 15 days to see if your bloating reduces or worsens when you go back to consuming it. – Eat well To combat a sluggish gut, make breakfast your biggest meal, as morning is the best time to digest. Avoid having dinner very late and always chew your food well. You should also drink plenty of water to keep your digestive system working. – Take care of the health of your intestine Bloating can also be caused by an unbalanced intestinal flora. To fix this problem, you need to consume sour cream, garlic and onion. – Do breathing exercises Lie on your back and relax. Take deep breaths into your abdomen 10 times. This will help you reduce your belly. It can also be good to walk after eating.
Sources: 5 types of belly and what each one is due to How to tame your tum: Is yours a spare tire or a stress bulge? Finding out your tummy type is the key to getting a perfect midriff