Synoptic Table: what it is, uses, types and characteristics

We explain what a synoptic table is, the types that exist and what it is for. Also, what are its general characteristics and examples.

What is a synoptic table?

A synoptic table or table synthesis is called a type of Graphic-textual scheme that allows the distribution and hierarchization of informationIt is used to express mental order in verbal categories or main ideas, followed by complementary ideas and then concrete details, moving from the most general to the most specific.

The name synoptic table comes from the fact that we must make a synopsis. This means that It is a summary, abstraction or simplificationon the topic that interests us. The fragments are organized in a hierarchy to create a complete outline.

Its visual form It is similar to that of an idea tree or an organizational chart.but less dependent on visual organization and more on a logical sequence of concepts that advances in the same direction as the reading. Depending on the type of chart, this direction can be from left to right or from the center to the sides.

We often use synoptic tables without even knowing what they are or what they are called. Knowing them will allow us to use them more efficiently in the study or in the preparation of oral presentations (as support material or as personal notes). In addition, it is one of the main study and note-taking tools known.

Also: Mind map

Types of synoptic table

There are three types of synoptic table:

  • Synoptic table with keys. The most classic form of synoptic table, which separates the categories of the scheme with braces ({). It is raised from left to right.
  • Diagram synoptic table. It uses information boxes organized in a diagram, according to the hierarchy, united by straight lines. The main ideas will be in the center and the secondary ideas or details will be on the outside.
  • Network synoptic table. Rather, it is a graphic scheme in which the concepts weave a tree of concepts, linked to each other with lines, having the main idea at the heart or center and moving away as the ideas become supplementary.

What is a synoptic table for?

The synoptic tables are an excellent strategy for studying or organizing ideasThis is because it visually captures the journey of thought from the most general to the most specific.

They are ideal for taking preparatory notes for a presentation. They can also be used as support material in it, to offer the viewer a general perspective of the topic to be addressed, much easier to follow than simply explaining it verbally.

How is a synoptic table prepared?

The steps to prepare a synoptic table are as follows:

  • The information to be represented is read until it is handled with ease. Something that is not yet understood or that is ignored cannot be represented.
  • The main and secondary ideas of the text are underlined and noted separately.
  • Examples, particular cases and other items that, being very specific or particular, serve to understand or show these main and secondary ideas are identified and noted separately.
  • A first information scheme is established, in which the main (general) topics are located on the left. A key is drawn in each one and then the secondary themes (subthemes) that emerge from each main theme are located within said key.
  • The operation is repeated, but now with the secondary themes: a key is opened in each one and the details and specific examples that allow the respective theme to be visualized are placed inside.
  • The assembly is reviewed and it is ensured that there are no errors or confusions.

How do you use a summary table?

Synoptic tables can be used to:

  • Summarize books, essays, or book chapters in a relatively simple outline.
  • Present complex ideas or dissertations using a graph to get an overview of what has been said and what is yet to be said.
  • Create study keys that we can later return to and have the main ideas of the topic in just a few steps.
  • Produce organizational charts or structural diagrams of an organization or an organizational flow (companies, institutions, etc.).

Can they be created online?

There are two free tools to create synoptic tables: Freemind and Freeplane. It is specialized free software, which allows us to create and design this type of graphic diagrams and other mental maps, through an intuitive interface and tools.

There are also numerous websites that will give us the option of making our synoptic tables online and downloading them.

Why are synoptic tables important?

The synoptic tables are one of the most common forms of information representation. They can adapt to all types of topics, no matter how complex they are and how deep the ideas are.

Are an ideal tool for teaching and for oral speakers. Presentations can also be included such as a general map of the topic to be addressed, which we can complete as we progress in the development of the topic.

Difference with a mind map

The main difference between these two methods of representing information It has to do with the fact of the synopsiswhich in the synoptic table is essential: summarize, prioritize and organize visually.

On the contrary, Mind maps are a much broader category of representation of information, in which more varied or even more personal forms are often used, which obey a personal logic or a particular way of thinking.

In all other respects, summary tables are essentially a type of mental map.

Expand: Mind map

How is the main theme identified?

The main topic of a text or essay is the one stated in the title. In addition, you return to it constantly throughout the readingsince it represents the heart of the text, its core of meaning.

Secondary ideas are organized around it.which are those that emerge or appear below, and from the latter the tertiary ideas or specific details emerge, which are specific cases, examples and unique characteristics that are generally referred to only once. for a short reading time.

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a summary or exposition of a topic or subject, which includes its general points and allows a quick overview of the matter. This is what is done, for example, on the back covers of books, on theater billboards, or in other contexts in which it is necessary to present information quickly and to the point.

Example of a synoptic table
