Strawberry or Strawberry: benefits, properties, types, recipes

One of the favorites of the summer, the protagonist in the aphrodisiac catalogue, the climax of the dessert: the fragaria, better known as strawberry or strawberry, is one of the most loved fruits all over the world.

And in addition, they are full of health benefits… And with them you can make the most delicious recipes!

So if you want to know why you should include strawberries in your diet, and how to treasure their qualities, you have to read this article.

Nutritional properties

Before talking about the benefits of strawberries for health, it is important to know their nutritional composition. This is always a good habit, for any food, as it is important to understand what we consume when we eat.

To know the nutritional properties of strawberries, we will take 100 grams as a reference. As for calories, that amount of strawberry has only 35. Of those 100 grams, 90% is water.

They then contain 7 g of carbohydrates, more than 2 g of fiber, 0.7 g of vegetable protein and 0.5 g of fat.

But we must not forget that these fruits are so healthy because they provide a large amount of vitamins. Strawberries are especially rich in vitamin C. But they also have other vitamins such as E, B3, B6, B2, B1, B9 and A (beta-carotene).

Finally they are a good source of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, iodine and zinc.

10 benefits of strawberries

  • 1. Add fiber to your diet

Among the main properties that strawberries have, is that they contain a significant amount of fiber, which helps control intestinal transit, thus avoiding constipation or constipation.

  • 2. Helps to eliminate uric acid from your body.

Due to the large amount of salicylic acid it contains, strawberries are perfect for regulating the elimination of uric acid from the body. Too high levels of this acid can cause many health problems, including gout.

By having vitamin B1, in addition to being good for your health, it is also a great ally of your mood. Well, it is known as the vitamin of good humor and helps the functioning of the nervous system and maintain good mental health.

  • 4. Improves the nervous system

Phosphorus is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and strawberries have it in good proportion.

  • 5. Helps the proper functioning of the thyroid

Due to its large amount of iodine and magnesium, strawberries are good for proper thyroid function.

The amount of calories contained in strawberries is very low, in relation to the satiety they generate due to their fibrous content. So they are an excellent tool for diets, especially when you are dying to eat something sweet.

It contains beta-carotene – a precursor to vitamin A – and has more vitamin C than oranges. Its antioxidant capacity is due to the presence of ascorbic acid (organic and antioxidant), ellagic acid (polyphenol), etc.

  • 8. They are good for cholesterol and diabetes

Strawberries contain a certain amount of omega-3, an essential nutrient that only enters the body through food. This has many benefits, including helping to lower cholesterol levels.

In addition, strawberries are very low in sugar, so added to their omega-3 and other nutrients, they are a good dessert option for people with diabetes.

  • 9. Recommended for pressure problems

Because of their high potassium and low sodium content, they are perfect for people with high blood pressure or heart problems.

  • 10. They prevent colds and anemia

Strawberries are one of the foods that has the highest concentration of vitamin per 100 grams. This vitamin is very important for health, especially to improve our defenses and prevent viral diseases such as colds.

In addition, this vitamin collaborates with the absorption of iron in the blood, so it also prevents anemia.

Types of strawberries for consumption

There are many varieties and styles of strawberries, so it is difficult to come up with a single classification. However, the clarification of Arguiñano, a benchmark of Spanish cuisine, can be taken. He classifies strawberries into three:

forest strawberry

The forest strawberry is a type of strawberry that is characterized by its great flavor. This group includes the so-called alpine varieties such as “Baron Solemacher”, “Alexandria” or “Yellow Wonder”, which have a long fruiting period.

cultivated strawberries

Cultivated strawberries are usually larger than wild strawberries, but their aroma and flavor are of inferior quality.


The strawberry is considered a larger type of strawberry, heart-shaped and bright red when ripe.

Within the strawberry, there are two known species. The first is the fragaria virginiana, which is currently cultivated under the name “Little Scarlet” for the production of jams.

The second species is Fragaria chiloensis, which produces a pink or white fruit with a marked pineapple flavor. This species has originated most of the commercial strawberry varieties through hybridizations.

It is very important that, whichever type you choose, you always look to buy organic strawberries. Otherwise, they will have lots of pesticides.

If you don’t know where to buy organic, you can also choose to grow them at home.

Fun facts

100% usable -no waste

Although not everyone knows it, the strawberry is a fruit that can be used one hundred percent. Thus, its leaves and roots can be used to treat diseases and its pulp, to prepare compresses to cleanse the skin of impurities.

Its therapeutic virtues are also present with equal or more importance than its nutritional ones, which makes this fruit a natural medicine with many benefits.

They have been coveted since ancient times

They say that in the days of Napoleon, Madame Tallien used to bathe in fresh strawberry juice to keep her skin soft. She used about 10 liters of fresh strawberry juice in each bath.

On the other hand, for the Greeks, the strawberry was a symbol of beauty, love (due to its heart shape and red color), fertility, and capable of making lovers immortal.

They have their own museum

There is a museum dedicated to strawberries, located in Belgium. In it there are five exhibition halls devoted to the history of the local past and the cultivation of strawberries. It also offers the services of a documentation center and a store where regional products can be obtained.

strange seeds

The strawberry is the only fruit that has the seeds on the outside. It is estimated that each one has around 200 seeds.

The best recipes you can make with strawberries

After reading all the benefits of this fruit, surely you are dying to incorporate it into your diet.

Good decision!

However, you may not know very well how to prepare it. Although simply eating it raw it is already delicious, if you want to consume it in an original, simple and very very appetizing way, we recommend you use one of these recipes.

Crunchy strawberry, coconut and oatmeal cake

If you are looking for a healthy dessert, this cake is ideal for you. The dough is made with grated coconut, oatmeal and cereal flakes. A light strawberry sauce covers the crispy base, and fresh strawberries are also used for garnish.

Find the full recipe at this link.

Chocolates filled with yogurt and strawberries

For when you have that sweet tooth, nothing is as delicious as a chocolate filled with strawberry sauce. But you and I know very well that this is not always a very healthy combination.

But you can choose to prepare your own chocolates at home, which in addition to being handmade and not having as many chemical products, will also provide you with antioxidants, and will greatly improve your mood.

You will find the recipe at this link.

Banana and strawberry cake without cooking

If you prefer a more raw diet (that is, with natural ingredients, without cooking), this is your dessert. In addition to being super simple, it allows you to maintain all the properties of its ingredients.

On the other hand, the combination of its components (banana, strawberry and nuts) makes it a super healthy cake. No one has an excuse not to try it!

Find this recipe at the following link.

Strawberry ice cream

Well, and if none of this still convinces you, this recipe will undoubtedly captivate you: strawberry ice cream… In five minutes!

It is a super healthy recipe because it is made with natural yogurt, fast, delicious… Ideal for a summer afternoon!

You can get the recipe here.

Do you usually eat strawberry or strawberries? Tell us how you like to enjoy it!





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