Stone Age: summary, development, stages and characteristics

We explain what the Stone Age is, its characteristics and stages. We also explain the ancestors of humans and more.

The Stone Age is the longest period in the history of mankind.

What is the Stone Age?

The Stone Age is the first of the periods of prehistory and is characterized by the use of stone as a fundamental tool in human societies. It spans from the invention of the first tools, almost 3 million years ago, to the discovery of metals, around 4000 BC. c.

Stone Age It is made up of three stages: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. It is a periodization proposed from archeology and is based on the identification of stages around the development of material technology and tool manufacturing techniques.

See also: Cro-Magnon Man

Characteristics of the Stone Age

The Stone Age was characterized by:

  • The evolution of the human species and the existence of various genera of hominids that inhabited different parts of the world.
  • The organization of small companies who lived nomadically during the Paleolithic period.
  • The use of stone as the main element for the creation of tools and constructions along with wood, bone and other elements extracted from nature.
  • Climate changesa consequence of the glaciation period.
  • The appearance of the form of sedentary life and the development of agricultural and livestock techniques during the Neolithic period.

Stages of the Stone Age

Catal Huyuk is one of the oldest settlements and emerged during the Neolithic period.

The Stone Age is divided into three general periods:

  • Paleolithic. This is the longest period and covers the period from the evolution of the first hominids to the development of food production techniques (agriculture and livestock farming) and sedentary life. Paleolithic societies were characterized by nomadism, organization in small groups and an economy based on hunting and gathering.
  • MesolithicThis is the period that includes the first economic changes carried out by some societies and that allowed the development of an economy based on agricultural and livestock production. In addition, these societies developed the first seasonal settlements.
  • Neolithic. This period was characterized by the development of agriculture and livestock, and the settlement of populations around the cultivation areas. Also, ceramics were created and work techniques in stone, bone and ivory were perfected.

Technological development in the Stone Age

During the Stone Age, different techniques were used to make tools.

One element that distinguished humans from other animals was the development of technology, that is, their ability to transform natural objects into tools. To make their tools, humans used hard stones (such as flint and obsidian), wood, bones and animal antlers.

Human groups used different tool-making techniques throughout the Stone Age.

During the Paleolithic period:

  • Percussion technique. It consisted of hitting one stone with another, or with an element that functions as a chisel, until a sharp object was obtained.
  • Pressure technique. With a bone instrument, pressure was placed on specific areas of the stone tool to carve the edges and achieve a better edge.
  • polishing technique. The stone was worked by rubbing it until it was shaped and sharpened. More fragile materials such as bone or animal antlers were worked on stone blocks, and they could be shaped.

During the Neolithic period:

  • Modeling technique. It consisted of stacking rolls of clay until a ceramic piece of the desired height was achieved. It was then smoothed with the hands to give it shape and left to dry before being fired in kilns.
  • Lathe technique. The invention of the wheel made it possible to vary the shapes of ceramic vessels and refine their edges.

It may be useful to you: Neolithic Revolution

Hominization process

The oldest vestiges of symbolic representation belong to the Homo sapiens sapiens.

During the Stone Age, the process of hominization took place, which includes the biological and cultural changes that the human species went through until it reached the characteristics of the current human being.

It is considered that the Australopithecus is the first ancestor of man. It is a genus of hominids that existed 4 million years ago and was able to adapt to the climatic changes in Africa that transformed the jungle into a savannah. Australopithecus They were bipedal, meaning they stood on two feet, which left their hands free to manipulate simple objects and tools.

The following evolutionary stages correspond to the so-called homos:

  • Homo habilis. It was characterized by having a more rounded skull, larger molars, a face with a less prominent jaw and greater motor skills. This genus lived 2.5 million years ago throughout the African continent. It owes its name to its ability to make tools and build houses.
  • Homo erectus. It was differentiated by a larger cranial cavity, a robust and taller body. He lived 1.8 million years ago. Its name is due to the fact that it was the first species to walk completely upright. He stood out for learning to manipulate fire, developing animal hunting and making stone axes.
  • Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens. They are two genders that were characterized by a greater jaw opening and a large cranial capacity. They appeared 200,000 years ago and stood out for the use of more elaborate tools and the burial of their dead.
  • Homo sapiens sapiensIt is estimated that it appeared 100,000 years ago and is the genus that includes modern humans. It was distinguished by cultural traits such as language and the performance of rituals. Until 30,000 years ago, the homo sapiens and the homo sapiens sapiens coexisted in Africa, Asia and Europe.

Continue with: Evolution of man


  • Fernández Martínez, VM (2007). Prehistory. The long road of humanity. Editorial Alliance.
  • Fernandez Vega, AM, Cabrera Valdes, V. and Muñoz Amilibia, AM (2008). Prehistory. National University of Distance Education.
  • “Stone Age” in History
  • “Stone Age” on Britannica
  • “Stone Age” in Ancient
  • “The first humans and the first societies” in Components Magazine
  • “The Age of the Ancient Stone” in The Truth
  • “Homo erectus” on BBC