Saint David’s Day has been celebrated for centuries every March 1. For the Welsh it is an unforgettable day, in which they carry out different festive activities to remember traditions that have been incorporated little by little and others that come from long ago. Tribute is paid to Bishop David, who played a fundamental role for the Gallic country. But it is also a day of national uplift. Do you like to learn about traditions from different countries or did you come to this post looking for information about Wales or Saint David’s? We tell you everything about the St David’s Day Traditions in Wales. Are you up to celebrate too?
Yellow daffodils and leeks
It is one of the Major traditions of Wales on St David’s Day. Bear yellow daffodils and leeks. Leeks have their legend and it is that, according to scholars, during the Heathfield conflict, between the Welsh and Saxons, both armies wore very similar clothing and, therefore, some say it was the king and others say it was Saint David , ordered the Welsh to wear a leek on their clothing. In this way the two armies could be differentiated and a massacre of the Welsh would be avoided.
Over time, it was wanted to replace the leek with something more “glamorous”. And he thought of the yellow daffodils, very abundant in these lands. As a matter of taste and tradition, today both are still used and shown off on the day of the national holiday.
Wear traditional Welsh clothing
dress up with the welsh folk costumes, especially the little ones do it in schools. Although this does not mean that adults do not do it. In fact, many are seen sporting this outfit. They do it in a popular parade through the streets, waving the national flag at the same time, as well as they carry their leek, your daffodil or both. Like good Welsh patriots.
Typical Welsh Recipes
In any event worth its salt there must be food. We do not say it, but you will agree that it is usually like this always, in all countries and cultures. Wales is no exception. For this reason, on Saint David’s Day, the Welsh take the opportunity to visit places where traditional dishes of the country are served or to prepare them at home and invite loved ones. Just like if it was Christmas or Thanksgiving, but it’s Saint David’s Day.
Among these recipes that are to die for, or at least the Welsh do, are leek pie, potato soup or black bread. And it is that in Wales it is usually prepared at parties a vegetable soup very thick that carries a plurality of vegetables, including the leek and is also accompanied by lamb. In addition, various recipes can be made with mutton, although nowadays it is not uncommon to incorporate other meats, such as pork and ham. The leek is also often seen in different dishes. For dessert, the black breadmade with raisins and, to which apple is sometimes added.
the tea dance
The tea dance takes place in Neath Port Talbot and it is a very popular event because, as we all know, the Welsh are good tea lovers. It is a street dance that amuses the attendees and they admire it as if it were a whole ceremonial rite that has its history. This act ends in the middle of the afternoon, that is, at the perfect time to gather around the table around a cup of tea accompanied by sweets if you like. Similar to how we do in Spain on Three Kings’ Day, that after seeing the parade, we drink hot chocolate with the roscón. This is what they do in Wales, but in their case, with tea, on Saint David’s Day.
The Welsh Giants
Accompanied by live music, giants parade representing illustrious characters of the country. A fun show that children and adults like and serves to learn more about history and its political, cultural and historical figures who were relevant in the future of Wales.
Enjoy with family
Saint David’s Day is a good excuse to get together as a family and eat together or, at least, drink the tea traditional. Thus, the best chef in the family prepares the most classic recipes or the favorites of each household. Apart from having a good time going out to participate in parades and street concerts.
Celebration day at school
Schoolchildren often spend a fun day at St. David’s. It is not compulsory, but it is common for schools to propose a day of special activities in which students will dress up in traditional costumes and recall scenes from Welsh history.
Mass for Saint David
We are talking about a day honoring a holy man. So we couldn’t leave out mass in his honor. It is also tradition to go to mass, on a day in which acts dedicated to the bishop who did so much for the country and who, according to legend, saved the Welsh from death, warning that God would save them if they carried a leek in clothing, to differentiate from the enemy.
The flags waving
Since it’s a big day for Wales, the flags are flying. Both the st david flag, in black and yellow colors, like the country’s flag, with the figure of the dragon, so recognizable in the rest of the world. And it is that for a Welshman, it is a real pride to be.
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