Eating germinated seeds is eating life. It is to incorporate authentic concentrated vital energy to all the cells of the body, favoring health and lengthening life. Sprouts are a gift from nature that we can grow ourselves.
Sprouts are live foods and this increases their nutritional value which remains intact until the moment they are eaten.
Their richness in enzymes, chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and living trace elements makes them complete foods that help correct the deficiencies of modern nutrition.
When many seeds -of cereals or legumes- germinate, they become an easily assimilable food because they release all the encapsulated nutrients and improve the nutritional value of the seed itself, of the plant or of the fruit to which it would have given rise.
Sprouts are a predigested food, therefore they help your own digestion. They are suitable for delicate stomachs and allow the body to rest and regenerate.
They can be easily grown and preserved at home, therefore they are very cheap, in addition to having the security of consuming a product that has not been adulterated or sprayed with insecticides or chemical fertilizers, it can be used at any time of the year with the guarantee of that its nutrients are of high biological quality, otherwise the seed would not germinate.
The entire shoot can be eaten, including the roots and leaves. They are simple to prepare, and are best eaten raw, because cooking destroys much of their nutritional content. They are eaten raw in salads, sautéed, in tortillas or as part of various cooked dishes, in these it is recommended to add them at the end so that they do not lose their properties.
The basic structure of the seed is the germ or embryo and a nutritious reserve that will feed it so that it becomes the future plant, all covered with a protective covering that is the shell or integuments.
The germ of the seeds is the rudiment of a new plant, that is to say, in a latent state of life awaiting adequate conditions to manifest itself; at the moment in which they appear, the seed begins the germination process.
Germination is the set of changes that occur in a seed by which the embryo passes from latent life to active life, so that the new plant is born and begins to grow. The nutritional reserve in all grains and seeds consists in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.
These nutrients are required by our body for proper maintenance and development, and we provide it through food. When the seeds germinate, their nutritional content improves and increases.
What is needed to germinate a seed?
Put them in contact with water, heat and oxygen. With these three elements, the enzymes called diastases are activated and give rise to the following transformations:
1. By absorbing water, the seed doubles its volume and the protective shell breaks.
2. The enzymes are activated and cause a series of transformations:•
- Complex proteins are transformed into simple amino acids, some of which are essential for humans.
- The protein content of the seed is present in the sprout, in an easily assimilable form.•
- Starch is reduced to maltose and dextrin, simpler sugars that require less effort from the digestive system, release energy faster and produce a stimulating effect.• Abundant vitamins and ferments are synthesized.•
- Vitamins C and E and the minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium multiply.•
- Fats are transformed into fatty acids. • Chlorophyll is formed, structurally very similar to hemoglobin, like it, it carries oxygen to the cells and is a good detoxifying and regenerating agent for the body. •
- The acids and toxins that naturally accompany the seed for its defense break down.•
- The volume and water content goes from 5-12% in the seed to 70% in the germinated one.
Nutritional information
• Essential amino acids. Sprouts, especially legumes, provide the body with complete proteins that are transformed into the eight essential amino acids. The lack of just one of these compounds can favor the appearance of allergies, weakness, poor digestion, deficiencies in immunity or premature aging of cells.•
Vitamin C. One of the substances that increases the most due to the effect of germination. Wheat sprouts, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas and beans are excellent sources of this vitamin, for example sprouted soybeans increase their vitamin C content up to 100% and wheat sprouts by 600% in just 5 days.•
Beta carotenes (pro-vitamin A). Alfalfa sprouts, for example, contain more beta carotene than tomatoes or green peppers and many fruits. Cabbage and pea sprouts are also excellent sources of this essential vitamin for growth, development, good eyesight, and the reproductive system.•
Vitamin B. Thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3) are abundant in alfalfa, wheat, sunflower, rye, and sesame sprouts. They contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system.•
Vitamin E. This vitamin acts as a cellular antioxidant, it is an excellent protector of the heart and a good tonic. Germinated wheat can increase up to three times its content.•
Vitamin K. It has coagulating properties, it is found in germinated alfalfa.•
Chlorophyll. The germinated seeds that synthesize the most chlorophyll are wheat and alfalfa. Chlorophyll is absorbed directly by the blood through the lymphatic system, in the bloodstream it activates cellular metabolism, improves defense, resistance, regenerative capacity of cells, and respiration, among other properties, enhances natural healing processes, purifies the blood, stops infections and balances the acid-base relationship in the body.•
Calcium. Sesame sprouts provide abundant calcium, almond, sunflower, alfalfa and chickpea sprouts are also excellent sources of this mineral.•
Potassium. It is found in almond, sesame, sunflower, soybean and bean sprouts.•
Iron. They contain large amounts of alfalfa sprouts, fenugreek, lentils, red soybeans and green soybeans.•
Trace elements. Sprouts contain trace elements such as iodine, zinc, selenium, silicon, chromium and cobalt.•
enzymes When eaten raw, the enzymes in the sprouted seeds – called diastases – facilitate the digestion of fiber, protein and fat.•
Digestive, nutritious and low calories. They provide very few calories, for example 100 g of bean sprouts are equivalent to 30 calories.
Most consumed sprouts
Any legume seed or cereal grain can be sprouted, although the most appreciated for their tenderness and good flavor are the sprouts of: legumes (mung beans, soybeans, alfalfa), cereals (wheat, barley) and also watercress, radish, pumpkin, sunflower, flax, sesame, etc.
The flavor is variable, for example alfalfa is very pleasant, mustard is the hottest and wheat has a sweet taste due to the carbohydrates it contains.•
Alfalfa: Complete and more consumed for its pleasant flavor. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium and zinc and the most important amino acids. It is remineralizing, fights fatigue and weakness.•
Brown rice: It is rich in vitamin B, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and silicon. Helps the proper preservation of bones and teeth.•
Peas: They provide chlorophyll, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A, iron, potassium and magnesium.•
Oatmeal: The most recommended germinated seed for nervous disorders, depression and sleep disturbances. Contains vitamins B and E, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and a high content of silicon, necessary for the development of muscle, brain and nerve structures.•
Watercress: Very suitable to combat the symptoms of spring fatigue. Alkalizes and purifies the blood, neutralizes excess toxins. Regulates metabolism. It is rich in iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, calcium and vitamins A, B2, E and C.•
Fenugreek: Blood and kidney cleanser, it is recommended to lift a depressed mood and to strengthen the body. Stimulate hepatic and digestive functions. It gives a pleasant smell to the sweat of those who consume it. It contains abundant phosphorus and iron.•
Chickpeas: Rich in carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, proteins, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and C. They do not produce gas during digestion.•
Lentils: They delay aging and are rich in protein, vitamin C and iron.•
Corn: High magnesium content, necessary to maintain muscle tension, especially in the intestinal tract.•
Mustard: Suitable for treating digestive disorders such as gastritis, enteritis, etc. Rich in vitamin C, proteins and lipids.•
Mung Beans: Rich in vitamins A, C, and complex B.•
Pumpkin seeds: They contain protein, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron and zinc.•
Sunflower seeds: Rich in protein, unsaturated fats, vitamins B and E, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.•
Radish: Contains abundant chlorophyll, useful to combat heavy digestion and to calm cough.•
Sesame: Good source of fiber, protein, vitamins B and E, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.•
Wheat: Rich in proteins, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins B and E. It prevents infections, remineralizes, regenerates cells and is used to treat nervous disorders.
Sprouts help prevent diseases or treat them in the event that they have already manifested themselves. The following properties stand out:
- • They favor the processes of detoxification, purification and elimination of residues stored in the tissues or in the blood.
- • Strengthen the immune system.
- • Antioxidants, combat the action of free radicals.
- • They stimulate the secretions of the pancreas.
- • They facilitate digestion, activate the processes of regeneration and inflammation of the digestive system, revitalize the internal metabolic mechanisms.
- • They improve intestinal function, relieve constipation, strengthen the intestine and intestinal flora, help eliminate gas and waste.
- • They lower the cholesterol index.
- • They tone the nervous system.
- • They help maintain the elasticity of the arteries and the vitality of the glandular system.
- • Delay aging, its components allow the body’s cells to stay young for longer.
- • They promote metabolism due to their restorative action.
- • Its consumption is recommended in cases of anemia due to its richness in chlorophyll, and for people with a delicate stomach.
How to make sprouts
You can learn how to make them in the video and also in this article.