More and more people are aware of how to take care of the environment and take advantage of the resources it provides us, in a respectful way. One of the options to do so comes from the use of solar energy through the installation of photovoltaic panels.
In this article, recognize the benefits of installing panels, learn how they work, and be part of a much-needed change in perspective.
demolishing myths
Let’s start by eradicating certain myths that have been built around solar panels: it is not expensive to install them in your home, nor is it necessary to be a specialized technician to do so.
What is certain is that once you incorporate solar panels into your life, it will change exponentially for the better, and in many ways. Read on to find out what it’s all about!
Some time ago, we shared an article in where we explained step by step how you can build a solar panel yourself.
Did you notice how simple it is? With this we can say that you can banish any fear of doing it wrong, since, if you follow the step by step and understand what the function of each of its parts is, then you will have a large percentage of the work done. Yes, you can say goodbye to the myth that it is something complex and technical.
Clearly, it is not a craft, but if you decide to do it yourself, and with a first investment in materials, you will be able to supply all the appliances in your home with the infinite energy resource that the sun provides: inexhaustible and very low cost. .
It’s time to remove the scene second myth about the implementation of solar energy, because if you intend to install your own panels, the cost in relation to the long-term fractional expenses of current energy is reduced, and a lot.
Renewable and low cost energy
We have a tendency to think that everything that is cheap is of poor quality. This is not the case when we talk about renewable energy, since we are only channeling something that nature provides us, that is, we take energy that is there from the sun and convert it, through these solar cells, into renewable energy.
The process begins, in the first instance, thanks to the existence of the sun and its emission of light, while the rest will happen with the help of technology.
According to a study on the energy industry that Bloomberg Technology carried out in 2016, the value of photovoltaic solar panels fell by 75% in that year. This adds to the reasons why, even when you have to invest in its implementation, it is cheaper than energy sources such as oil or gas.
But if you are wondering how much all this translates into numbers, then we will not leave it in the world of assumptions. We will take the words of Gustavo Tavolaro, President of the College of Technicians of La Plata, who in a radio interview on FM Cielo explained: “With three solar panels you can feed the consumption of a house of about 60 square meters: a couple of televisions, a refrigerator, a fan and all the lights”.
As far as costs are concerned, he pointed out that “for a typical house, about 100 thousand pesos will be enough to install an inverter, three panels and a battery bank.” All these are necessary parts for the panels to work correctly and in this article we will tell you what the function of each one is.
“You can have solar energy to generate energy during the day and you inject it into your home. At the end of the month you will see a reduction in the cost of your electricity bill”, concluded Tavolaro.
Learn more about this system of sustainability or sustainable development that, once you implement it in your home, will change the way you appreciate the sun for life.
How do solar panels work
The transformation of sunlight into electricity is not a magical act, but something known as photovoltaic conversion, and hence the panels carry that label as well.
For this conversion to occur, not only sunlight is required, but also the solar cells of the panel which, when exposed to the sun, reproduce a low-intensity electrical current.
How is it that having three panels is enough to power a house of at least 60 square meters? Each panel contains several solar cells that are connected to each other. When exposed to the sun, enough electrical voltage is produced to, for example, light a lamp. Taking this as a base, we can say that, to charge a 12-volt battery, an 18-volt panel containing 36 half-volt solar cells is necessary.
If you want it more clearly, all the intensity absorbed by the components of each solar cell generates, in short, an electrical voltage capable of providing current to a home.
This is how solar panels work
So far everything sounds wonderful. But why and how can simple solar cells transform light into electricity? The answer to that question lies in the materials with which they are made.
Solar cells are made from semiconductor materials, the most widely used and highest quality being crystalline silicon. There are also cells that are built with gallium arsenide, but it does not absorb as many photons (particles that make up light) as those made with silicon.
These materials allow to conduct electricity or isolate it, according to what is indicated as action, but ultimately it is what provides the cell with what is necessary to absorb solar energy.
The placement of the components must be done by inserting a negatively charged crystal, then another positively charged crystal, and so on.
Exposure to light allows the electrons of the crystals with negatively charged materials to move towards the sector where the positively charged ones are, thus generating an electric field inside the solar panel.
To put it simply, the energy of the photons, when in contact with the electrons of the semiconductor material, produces a flow of electrons, better known as electric current.
This, which seems very technical and initially we said it was not magic, is what makes a cell convert solar energy into electricity, and a panel, made up of many cells, generates enough electricity for a house, which is not a small thing.
Could you bring it to the reality of your home? Read on to find out how to do it.
your first steps
It is said that the use of photovoltaic technology is ideal for taking the first steps towards sustainability in your home. This is so because it is a resource that allows generating self-consumption of electricity that does not have a negative impact on the environment.
In addition, you will never receive an electricity bill again and you will generate significant savings that will impact your quality of life. Beyond economic convenience, it is a clean energy that is finding more and more users willing to take the plunge.
Before we told you some technical questions about the operation of solar panels. It is time for you to know how to bring it to your reality.
Once the cells transform light into electricity, the result is transferred to the devices or electrical system that requires it in a home. For this, it is necessary to have other components, in addition to the panels, that are part of the system and that ensure its operation.
Pay attention at this point if you are thinking of mounting your own solar panels and you will know which are these components that we mention as so necessary.
Other components of solar photovoltaic power system
It is a device that transforms direct current into alternating current at 230V 50Hz and manages it according to demand and production. Opportunely, it turns to external sources when excessive demand occurs or just to protect the accumulator, thereby managing the battery charge.
This is where the electricity that the panels emit is accumulated so that it can be used only when it is convenient, the storage is measured in Ampere hours (Ah). It is necessary to know how much electricity a home consumes on average to know which battery to buy according to the energy capacity it can store.
Protects the battery from unexpected overloads or discharges that can damage the storage system. It is in charge of cutting off the supply to the batteries when they are charged and perceives it through constant monitoring of the battery voltage.
Orientation and inclination
Despite how wonderful solar panels may sound, and how easy it is for you to get down to work today to mount them and thus take advantage of their benefits once and for all, there is one detail that you need to evaluate first of all: the orientation and the place.
This is perhaps the only time when we do recommend that you go to a professional, since it is necessary to analyze the correct place where it would be placed. Although, in general, they are placed on the roofs, it is essential to see where it should be directed and with what inclination to take advantage of this resource in the most efficient way possible.
Although it seems obvious, it is worth saying that the place where they should be placed is where there is exposure to the sun or irradiation for more hours. It is also worth considering that the north orientation will be suitable for those who live in the countries of the southern hemisphere, while the south orientation is ideal for those in the north.
The orientation of the solar panel is decisive for its use
Even so, there is a more effective way to take advantage of the sun’s rays, but it requires the implementation of solar followers or trackers, whose function is to chase the rays during the day, adjusting the panels automatically. If you choose this option, you will have to invest a little more in its installation and have the help of a specialized technician.
Now yes: you are ready for the next step, the installation.
How to install solar panels on a home
Follow this step by step:
- 1. Check the place where the panel will be
Beyond the position in which it has to be, you should also know that the panel has to be installed on a structure that will act as a support.
- 2. Connect the panels with the dimmer
Once the structure is installed, consider that the panel(s) must be connected in series and then connect to the charge regulator, whose mission is to prevent the batteries from overcharging or discharging. In addition, it will measure the storage of energy in the batteries.
- 3. Connect the controller with batteries
This is also connected in series and this link allows the fluidity of the energy that is consumed. Attention: please place the regulator near the battery, for safety.
In case of providing solar and alternating energy to your home, it is necessary that the regulator has an inverter that is the one that will allow the change between the direct current of the photovoltaic system to the alternating current.
What should you know before buying solar panels?
Surely you are excited and want to start with the installation of your own panel. But you have to buy them and you find yourself with an unexpected offer.
The most important thing you have to know is how much energy consumption you want to cover, where it will be located and, fundamentally, what budget you have for it. That said, we added some data that can help you make the decision.
If you intend to do all the assembly on your own, you will need to know the number of cells of the solar cells and the voltage, even more so when you plan a photovoltaic self-consumption project. Why? It is that you will depend on the capacity of the batteries to choose the type of…