So are the blue bees that only exist in Australia

We show it to you: this is what the blue bees of Australia are like. They only exist in that country and surprise everyone in the world. Thus, another exotic specimen is added to a fauna that already has kangaroos, koalas and other quite peculiar animals.

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The scientific name of these insects is Amegilla cingula

These insects have several characteristics that make them different from other bees. The first thing that stands out are its blue bands on the abdomen. Such a simple detail already makes them unique, but there are other unusual issues to mention.

Unlike the other insects of its kind, the Amegilla congula is solitary. They do not create honeycombs or inhabit communities. It reaches a size between 10 and up to 12 millimeters. Although it has a stinger, it is not an aggressive insect.

Another fact is that it does not produce honey. Males have 5 blue bands and females four bands. Once a pair mates, the female lays her eggs to grow. There is no great honeycomb community.

The importance of these bees on Australian soil

In general, these insects are considered the most important living being on the planet. However, with their wings and blue colors they are responsible for the flora and vegetation of Australia. In fact, they are present throughout the country.

They only do not exist on the island of Tasmania. Of the rest, the entire Australian geography encompasses them. In this way, the plants of that nation reproduce largely thanks to such insects. A wonder of nature!

We then have an insect closely related to its habitat. It is worth saying that it is a species that travels a lot, since it does not create hives. It can be stated that they are quite wandering, spreading pollen in many places.

Insects vital to existence on Earth

It is even claimed that the Bees are essential for humanity. Most of the crops grown by humans depend on the pollination of these insects. Therefore, it is nice to know that there are other species.

Blue bees have the quality of extracting pollen from difficult plants. To do this, they grab hold of branches and flap their wings with incredible force. This buzzing and shaking releases the pollen. It is “buzz pollination”.

As expected, they are insects adapted to the characteristics of Australian vegetation. This large territory forms a closed ecosystem, with its own unique species. That is why it is so special for the planet.

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Did you know about the existence of blue bees? It is a pleasant surprise that shows us the wonders of the planet. An additional reason to value the fauna that we have on Earth and that we must take care of.
