Scorpion: what it is, types, reproduction and characteristics

We explain what a scorpion is, when it originated, and what its anatomy is like. We also explain its characteristics, classification, and more.

What is a scorpion?

They are called scorpions or scorpions an order of approximately 1,400 different species of arachnidequipped with a pair of frontal appendages shaped like pincers and a tail ending in a poisonous stinger. It is one of the largest predators in the world of arthropods. In some cases, the power of its venom can harm large animals, including humans.

They are solitary animals, which They do not form herds and only seek out their peers to procreate.. They have generally nocturnal and stealthy habits that separate them from their natural enemies and many competitors and predators.

Scorpions have fascinated man throughout his existencebecoming a symbol of danger and aggression. It is part of various mythological traditions, especially as a giant animal.

More recently, studies regarding the venom of certain species of scorpions have suggested a possible application in the treatment of cancerbut no concrete results have yet been obtained.

See also: Crocodile

Origin and evolution of the scorpion

Scorpions They constitute the oldest group of all arachnidsso they share traits with all animals of that class, such as spiders and mites.

Its anatomical constitution suggests that the species came from marine arthropods already extinct, like the eurypterids, since the lungs of the scorpion occupy the same place as the gills of the latter.

The oldest fossils of scorpions suggest its appearance around 400 million years ago in the Silurian period, probably as amphibious forms that still breathed underwater. They later gave way to the terrestrial variant in the Carboniferous or Devonian period, some 325 million years ago.

Anatomy of the scorpion

The body of the scorpion It is always protected by a system of chitin platescalled exoskeleton. It is a segmented body, clearly divided into:

  • Cephalothorax or prosoma. The front trunk of the animal, where its internal organs are located and which supports the limbs. It stands on four pairs of legs, and has the eyes (two medial and up to five simple minor ones), the brain, the mouth and the chelicerae next to it, with which it tears food.
  • Abdomen or oppositosoma. The hindquarters of the body contains thirteen chitinous segments in the form of rings, joined together in a flexible manner, which gives it great mobility despite its external hardness and rigidity. This region is further divided into two:
    • Mesosome. The digestive and reproductive systems reside here, as well as the combs or pectenes, sensory members unique to the species, specialized in receiving chemical and mechanical stimuli.
    • Metasoma. The abdominal region is narrower and cylindrical, culminating in the tail with the stinger. This is where the poison glands are located.
  • Extremities. A pair of frontal pincers with which to hold its prey or dig tunnels in the ground, as well as its eight strong, segmented legs.

Types of scorpions

Scorpions are classified into 16 families:

  • Pseudochatidae. Thin, slender body, yellowish color.
  • Buthida. The most diverse in size, ranging from 2 to 12 centimeters.
  • Microcharmidae. 15 species of tiny scorpions (between 8 and 18 millimetres).
  • Chaerilidae. Family of scorpions from South Asia.
  • Cactidae. They have a shell without keels and a hexagonal sternum, and there are around 170 species.
  • Euscorpiidae. Characterized by having enormously sized pincers.
  • Superstitioniidae. From North America, large in size and black in color.
  • Vaejovidae. Another large family, they have a characteristic longitudinal keel throughout the body.
  • Caraboctinidae. Hairy scorpions, equipped with sensitive hairs on their bodies.
  • Luridae. Of only two species, present in Greece and Türkiye.
  • Hormuridae. An extinct family, it consisted of only two species.
  • Bothriuridae. They have a hexagonal sternum with transversal lines and some species are very poisonous.
  • Hermiscorpiidae. They have a wide and long body that can reach 20 cm.
  • Scorpionidae. Of various sizes, including giant species measuring over 25 cm.
  • Urodacidae. Australian scorpions with only two known species.
  • Heteroscorpionidae. Family of six species from Madagascar.

Where does the scorpion live?

The Scorpion It is found on all continents except AntarcticaIts greatest diversity occurs in tropical and subtropical jungle regions, especially in Mexican territory.

Usually prefers dry environmentsbut there are also species adapted to the coast. On the other hand, it is nocturnal and territorial.

Depending on their habitat, they can be classified into four types:

  • Psammophils. Or from sandy habitats, they have very fast legs and resist dehydration.
  • Lithophiles. Or from rocky habitats, they usually have a flat complexion to slide through crevices or cracks.
  • Cavemen. They live underground in caves that they dig themselves with their pincers, emerging only to hunt and reproduce.
  • Erratic. Those that change habitat according to their needs and do not present any type of specialization.

How does a scorpion feed?

He is a notable hunter and always feeds on live prey of various kinds, such as insects or spiders, and even other species of scorpions. It can even devour snails or small vertebrates such as mice or lizards.

Their hunting technique consists of grab the prey with its pincers and inoculate it with the venom from its stingerThis causes death or paralysis and allows it to shred its prey with its chelicerae, while the venom acts as a predigestive. A scorpion’s feeding can last several hours, depending on the prey.

How does a scorpion reproduce?

Scorpions They reproduce sexually and through direct copulation.which involves a complicated courtship. When the breeding season arrives, the female releases pheromones that attract the males; they must then “convince” her to let them fertilize her.

The courtship It consists of a dance with complicated movements which culminates in holding the female in his pincers. Sometimes the male moves her for whole metres until he finds the right position to introduce the semen into her reproductive tract.

At the end of the dance the couple quickly separates.Depending on the species, the female may capture the male and devour him (cannibalism).

The fertilized female incubates its eggs inside the body and after several months (up to 12) it expels live offspring, in varying numbers (from two to one hundred, depending on the species). Once born, the offspring have embryonic white skin.

The babies They climb onto the parent’s back and remain there until their first moult. They feed on the secretions that the mother produces through the dermis. They then go through five more moults until they reach adulthood.

How does a scorpion move?

Scorpions They have four pairs of segmented legs which allow it to move quickly, despite the weight of its armour and its large claws. It is able to move forwards and backwards, with little room for manoeuvre, as it is a hunter with not too many predators.

Scorpion predators

Scorpions They are preyed upon by large animalswhich can overcome their tough defenses and aggressive behavior. These include owls and other nocturnal birds, larger lizards, snakes, large toads, some rodents and mammals.

On the other hand, scorpions They often hunt each other and fall prey to other arachnids. such as centipedes, mantises and tarantulas.

Scorpion sting

Of the 1,400 known species of scorpions, Only a few are dangerous to humans. (especially for children), given the high levels of toxicity of their venom. Very few species have lethal venoms, such as the American bark scorpion.

The scorpion sting It is usually painful, accompanied by tingling or numbness. of the injured area, as well as a slight swelling around it. In the case of a poisonous scorpion, symptoms may include:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Muscle contractions, unusual movements of the eyes, head and neck.
  • Drooling, sweating, nausea and vomiting.
  • Hypertension, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Restlessness or overexcitement.

The scorpion in culture

The scorpion has aroused a combination of fear and admiration in humans since ancient times. In myths, legends and popular beliefs it appears as a threat or as a Guardian of forbidden or sacred territories. Or a weapon for conspiracies appears: scorpions in the bed, giving scorpion venom to drink, etc.

The zodiac scorpion comes from the story of OrionThis mythical hunter died from a scorpion sting, and both were raised to the heavens by the gods. They were placed facing each other, so that when one ascends to the heavens the other is hidden and they never share the firmament.
