Savannah: flora, fauna, climate and characteristics

We explain what a savanna is and its main characteristics. We also explain its climate, flora, fauna and more.

The largest savanna is found in Africa.

What is the savannah?

The savannah is a great extension of land that presents plains, vegetation composed of herbaceous plants, shrubs and very few trees. It is a transition zone between the jungle and the semi-desert that usually extends in subtropical or tropical regions.

It is an ecosystem of arid zones or that presents two very different seasonsone with intense rainfall that lasts a few months and another with little rain that generates strong droughts and lasts most of the year.

The largest savannah on the planet is on the African continent and, due to its large size, it presents variations in climate, soil, flora and fauna. Savannahs are also found in regions of Asia, Australia and South America.

See also: Biomes

Savannah characteristics

The savanna is characterized by vast semi-arid grasslands.

The savanna presents variations in the type of climate and soil, as it moves away from the equator, which is why it is classified into four types:

  • Intertropical savanna. It has a temperate climate with little variation in temperature between the two seasons and droughts predominate. The soil is dry and not very fertile.
  • Temperate savanna. It has a humid climate with cold and dry winters. The soil is a little more fertile than that of the rest of the savannahs.
  • Mediterranean savanna. It has a semiarid climate with greater temperature variation between seasons, little rainfall and soil with very little vegetation.
  • Mountainous savanna. The climate is semi-arid in the alpine and subalpine areas, especially in regions of Africa. The soil is usually very sparsely vegetated.

Despite these variants, all types of savannas share common characteristics that define them, such as vast semi-arid grasslands with shrubs and few trees. These characteristics differentiate the savanna from a grassland (which has very fertile soil) or a desert (which has soil composed of minerals and fossils).

Savannah climate

In the savannah there are two distinct seasons: wet and dry.

The climate of the savannah is characterized by being quite warm throughout the year with an average temperature of 18 ÂșC. However, there are two different seasons:

  • Humid. It is the shortest season of the year that usually occurs between October and March in the southern hemisphere and between April and September in the northern hemisphere. It is the time when rainfall falls, although it is not enough for the development of abundant vegetation.
  • Dry. It is the longest and driest season. The thermal amplitude during an entire day can vary significantly and there are usually strong winds that, due to the scarce vegetation, raise clouds of dust and dirt.

Fauna of the savannah

The ostrich is one of the typical animals of the savannah.

The fauna of the savannah is varied depending on the climate and soil conditions. Many animals are herbivores and require the greatest possible availability of vegetation for food. That’s why, the majority usually migrate in times of drought to areas with water and vegetation.

Among the typical animals of the savanna Large mammals abound, especially in Africasuch as the buffalo, the lion, the rhinoceros, the antelope, the giraffe, the elephant, among others. On the other hand, in the Australian savannah there are many kangaroos, reptiles and buffalos.

Savannah flora

The flora of the savannah It is characterized by the ability to adapt to withstand droughtsIn the most arid areas, thorny bushes, succulents and cacti abound, because they have the ability to retain water for a long time.

There are few shrub trees that are widely dispersed across the vast territory of the savannah and are usually perennial, meaning they do not lose their leaves throughout the year and are also characterized by growing very deep roots in search of water.

Stands out the acacia tree that has a leafy crown capable of offering restorative shade in times of intense heat. Furthermore, due to the height of its crown, it is a tree chosen by giraffes to obtain their food.

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