We continue reviewing the life of Julius Caesarone of the most prominent historical figures of the history of rome. We have already seen his colossal campaign of conquest of Gauland now it is time to talk about his return to Italy and the outbreak of the so-called “Second Civil War”.
At the beginning of the year 49 a. C., he ending his command in the Gaulwas unleashed civil war Come in Julius Caesar Y Pompey (his old associate in the First Triumvirate). The reason for the conflict was that Pompey had allied himself with Roman Senate against Cease. That’s how it started Julius Caesar a new series of military campaigns against the armies of Pompeywhich is historically known as the Second Civil War of Rome.
Campaign in Italy
In a war amazing lightning, Cease invaded Italy and expelled Pompey towards Macedoniain less than seventy days. The rapid advance was largely due to not meeting the slightest resistance (with the exception of the city of corfino) in the cities that were being controlled.
In command of a single legion (the rest were still in the Transalpine Gaul) managed to appropriate the entire eastern coast and Umbria. As he passed, his army was swelled with more men while he was gaining the support of public opinion thanks to his clemency policy. In just over two months Cease controlled all Italy.
By then the forces of Pompey they had withdrawn to the east and were being reorganized. One of the greatest dangers to the strategy of Cease was that there was a blockade Italy, which would stop the arrival of wheat, essential for feeding the population. To improve his position, he proceeded to occupy the islands of sardinia Y Sicily and -shortly after- the Roman possessions in Africa. The next goal of Julius Caesar was to attack in Hispaniawhere Pompey had strong support. While the men of Cease They built warships.
Campaign in Macedonia
After his victory in Spain, Cesar was declared as Consul. Later she sailed to Macedoniawhere Pompey had been installed. The siege of Dyrrhachium (Durres) was a failure for Julius Caesar. But soon after his troops defeated Pompey on the Battle of Pharsalia in 48 BC
Despite having fewer soldiers, the skillful strategy of Cease managed to penetrate the ranks of the Pompeian army. Even when the outcome of the conflict was not decided, Pompey fled and then his army began to collapse, leaving the way open for the victory of Julius Caesar.
Campaign in Africa
Pompey decided to move to Egypt to regain his strength, and attempted to negotiate with the powerful Pothinus (who controlled the little king Ptolemy XIII) but he was killed. Dead Pompeyhis followers continued the war against Julius Caesar.
At the end of the Second war Civil, Julius Caesar had to fight two more battles with the Pompeians, one in the north of Africa (Thapsus46 BC) and another in Hispania (world, 45 BC). The final result was the victory of the troops of Cease.
The impressive victories of Cease for all Europe. The great Roman general was assassinated by his political rivals in 44 BC in the very Roman Forum, putting an end to the life of one of the most outstanding soldiers of the History.
Learn more about the Roman civilization in any of the following articles:
- Julius Caesar | Military campaigns in Gaul
- The fusion of the Romans and Germans
- bloody rome
- Social classes in the Roman Empire: Patricians, Plebeian Nobles and Plebeian Knights
- Social classes in the Roman Empire: Commoners Clients, Freedmen and Slaves
1. Death of Julius Caesar, by Vincenzo Camuccini, 1798, on wikipedia
2. Map of Caesar’s campaign in Hispania, in wikipedia
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