various germanic peoples they invaded the V century different territories of Roman empire, precipitating the crisis of empire. The kingdoms Roman-Germanic that were formed, possessed some characteristics of the roman society and other characteristics of the Germanic peoples, forming a new society. Let’s see its main features.
The new societies that were established as a result of the fusion of both cultures were governed by chiefs Germans. The prevailing system was monarchy, elective at first and then hereditary. Following the traditions of the germanic tribesrelationships of dependency and personal fidelity between different members of society played a preponderant role.
The germanic peoples they imposed their own laws through their governments, although they respected the way of life of the Roman populations. Several cultural elements were preserved. One of them was the currency of the Romans. other, the language Latin which became the official language of the new kingdoms. Later, Latin was mixing with the dialects Germans.
Religion was also a very strong permanence of the world Roman who survived his fall. Many conquerors converted to Christianity. As a result, the Church gained more power. Monks, bishops, and abbots became advisers to the german kings.
In the field of economy, agriculture continued to be the most important activity. Production was concentrated in large estates in which the cultivation was carried out by colonists and some slaves. There was a process of ruralization of life, large numbers of people left the cities, seeking protection in large farms.
More information:
Germanic Kingdoms on Wikipedia
C. Gatell, C. García and others, Societies, Social Sciences 1st year, Madrid, Vicens Vives, 2002. In: Study Notebooks. Social Sciences 1. at
Battle of Vouillé (507), between Franks and Visigoths, depicted in a 14th-century manuscript, at Wikipedia