Rock and History: its birth as a youth cultural movement in the 60s. –

Today the rock is undoubtedly a musical genre that does not lose force, with a validity that approaches half a century. In fact, it’s a real industry that moves millions of euros, with big stars on the same level as the red carpets of Hollywood. But in his the beginning things had been somewhat different. Is music so powerful was born as a true expression of rebellion youthwith a high content politicalvery much in tune with the general mobilization of the 60’s.

Festival of Woodstock, 1969

The beginnings of rock can be traced to 1955. This is the moment when it becomes popular in the USA the so-called “Rock And Roll”. East musical genre It was a fusion of rhythm and blues and of country. Very quickly it becomes popular among youths in USAand then all over the world.

in the middle of the 60’s the transformation that will lead to the Rock. Some performers already emblematic (such as the Beatles, The Rolling Stones Y bob dylan) “poetically and musically create the bases of the rock”. From there, the artistic complexity of the rock music continues to grow.

Specialists on the subject consider that “the creative evolution of rock closes towards 1973. The new variants of rock that arise later will be only “reformulations” of those forms musicals originals. That is the case of punkthe new wavethe techno popthe heavy metal and of some other variants that appear in the middle of the 70’s.

poster of Woodstock, 1969

As soon as cultural manifestationthe emergence of the phenomenon of rock globally connects with the social context of the years ’60. More particularly with the role played by youth groups at this time of history.

The ’60s are marked by rock to the same extent that they are marked by the irrepressible irruption of youth culture.

Is decade original does not speak only of music: refers to political-student movements (may in French of68phenomena guerrillas), to the hippy, to resistance to Vietnamto the pop Artto psychedelia, to drug and hallucinogenic experiences, community organizations, searches philosophical that usually fall into an oriental mysticism, to a certain revaluation of the Christianityto the generational confrontation.”

bob dylan with Joan Baez on the March for the Civil rights in Washington D.C.. in 1963.

These influences are expressed through the letters of the songs. From them, the main aspects of the ideology of cultural movement of rock.

“The themes of the letters refer to the warsocial injustice, contempt for “the world of Adults”, search for the freedomcriticism of the politicians that use people, etc. Others also arise, linked to the ideology hippy. They are the themes of love as salvation, the return to the naturethe search for inner peace, the sex as a source of pleasure, the escape from the alienation of society modern, etc.”

Sources and Quotes

BELTRAN SOURCES, Alfredo. The anti-authoritarian ideology of national rock. Bs. As, Publishing Center of Latin America, 1989, p. 18.

BELTRAN SOURCES, Alfred, op. quote, p. 19.

ALABARCES, Pablo and VARELA, Mirta. Revolution, my love. National rock (1965-1976). Buenos Aires, Editorial Byblos, 1988, p. two.

BELTRAN SOURCES, Alfredo, op. cit, p. 19.

rock, on wikipedia


Bob Dylan with Joan Baez at the Civil Rights March in Washington, DC in 1963. on Wikipedia

Woodstock Festival, 1969in Google

poster of Woodstock, 1969in Google