Review History 2nd ESO – Agenda –

For any student, reviewing the lessons they have studied is always something that comes in handy, especially when they are on vacation, or of course, when they are at the gates of either an evaluation or starting a new course. In particular, a review of history is recommended for students in the 2nd year of ESO, of whom a lot is usually required, perhaps compared to other students. In order not to get lost between impossible lessons, we bring this Review of History for 2nd ESO with the Agenda of the course made breakdown.

the history of rome

Pay attention to this review of the story for 2nd ESO students It will benefit those students who have had to attend the 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education, and also for those others who consider the course finished to make the jump to the 3rd year. In the first case, it will be great to remember, while in the second, it will settle the first ranks of the course, so that it goes with a reinforcement to the course that is presented.

We start traveling chronologically rather than spatially, until Roman times. We will remember that the political evolution of Rome undergoes a series of changes that range from the monarchy of the year 753 BC, through a republic around the year 509 BC and until reaching what we know as the great Roman Empire of 476 and AD.

In the imperial era, the provinces and the limes arose. We are witnessing the universalization of Roman citizenship and the spread of Christianity. All this together with romanization, thanks to the so-called Pax Romana.

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The Middle Ages begin

The Middle Ages is divided into several stages. Here there is a coexistence with Islam and the outstanding elements of this period are Byzantine art and the empire of the same name. It belongs to the Roman Empire, but still survives during the Middle Ages and until the Renaissance.

Feudal Europe

The Middle Ages stretched over a long period. So much so that the beginning of it goes from the 8th century to the 11th century. The feudal society is based on the relationship between a lord and the vassal, while through it we find military protection and sustenance for the vassal, while he provides the lord with military protection and economic contribution through the intermediary of the so-called Council.

We have a King and some privileged classes that are the High Nobility and the High Clergy. Then comes the lower nobility, which includes barons and lords. Below are the bourgeoisie and, finally, peasants and lower clergy within which are priests and monks.

Cities and the Renaissance

We are already talking about the 11th to 14th centuries. New methods for cultivation appear, which gives rise to certain prosperity. The population grows and the cities are reborn. With this, the bourgeoisie appears, and society becomes urban, counting a varied group composed of bourgeois, artisans, the clergy, poor and marginalized. The Moors and the Jews will be these outcasts. Guilds arise.

But when the fourteenth century arrives, everything goes wrong. Bad harvests occur that give rise to a terrible famine and, with this, the famous , takes place, along with the Western Schism. During this time there are also100 Years War and the Black Death Pandemic Parliaments and Military Orders. In addition, the crusades take place.

What do you know about the Renaissance? Check out:

Romanesque and Gothic art

The 2nd ESO students will also study during the course the Romanesque and Gothic art. These artistic styles take place between the 11th and 13th centuries in the first case and from the 12th centuries to the Renaissance in the case of Gothic art.

Both styles are inspired by religion, although Romanesque is the prevailing style in Europe. The Romanesque has its roots in the extinct Roman Empire. Gothic calls for a return to nature and is inspired by it.


It should also be noted that during the Middle Ages, the Iberian Peninsula was under Muslim rule. Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together, although the Jews were a minority and lived in separate neighborhoods. Towards the year 1492 the Muslim reign ends. This takes place with Reconquest of the Kingdom of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs.

the hispanic kingdoms

Roman Hispania has become Visigothic, Arab and now intends to return to its European roots. The Iberian Peninsula is divided into different kingdoms.

Modern age

We are in the era of discoveries and explorations. The discovery of America takes place at the hands of Christopher Columbus and the Catholic Monarchs, or of Portugal, with Vasco de Gama at the head and reaching as far as India. With the discoveries, new products are obtained, such as precious metals. Miscegenation occurs, colonial empires are formed and conflicts begin to arise for control of the seas.

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Humanism, Renaissance and Reformation

The Modern age It is accompanied by a greater anthropocentrism, with a rediscovery of antiquity and more authoritarian monarchies, but also a more open mentality that allows the development of Humanism, trade and the economy. End medieval wars.

The power of the Church is rejected, the Reformation of Luther takes place and the division of European Christianity. In this context, the Counter-Reformation and the Council of Trent take place.

The Spanish Empire

The 2nd ESO student You will be able to learn such interesting things that happened in the Spanish Empire, such as the Voyage of Hernán Cortés or Magellan, the legacy of Carlos V, the first circumnavigation of the world, the populations of America and the pre-Columbian civilizations.

The Europe of the Baroque

East history review for 2nd ESO it ends with the 17th century and Absolutism, explaining about baroque art and the sovereignty of the Habsburgs Minor.

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