Responsible consumption fair | Bioguide

Follow the Responsible Consumption Fair!

Federal Capital (Bs. As.)

The Responsible Consumption Fair is the first place established in the City of BsAs where you can meet sustainable entrepreneurs and designers! With more than 70 stalls for sustainable entrepreneurs, the Responsible Consumption Fair will be the first place permanently established in the City of Buenos Aires where designers and sustainable entrepreneurs can meet and offer their products and services. You can visit it every Sunday on Av. de Mayo 700 (between Chacabuco and Piedras). Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (winter time), 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (summer time) The event aims to promote sustainability and responsible consumption, as well as being a space for awareness and dissemination of different environmental issues that affect us, for the generation of environmental awareness in the city of Buenos Aires. At the Fair you can find products from various categories, including clothing, toys, objects, accessories, tableware, jewelry, furniture and personal care items.

What is responsible consumption?

Responsible consumption consists of choosing products and services, not only based on their quality and price, but also on their environmental and social impact. Choose those options that respect nature and social equality, with fair working conditions in all stages of the production cycle. Under a paradigm of sustainable development, where economic, social, environmental, and also cultural and political factors are in harmony , producers adapt their processes appealing to creativity and innovation. Values ​​such as the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), fair working conditions, solidarity and fair trade, are increasingly incorporated when developing new projects.

Parallel activities

At the fair there is a space dedicated to NGOs, social projects and educational institutions where they present their projects to the community. This space is constituted as “rotating” and the assistants have the character of “guests”. Planned activities include workshops, talks, live music, and contests, among other topics. Send us an email!