Red moles on the skin: what causes them and how can you remove them?

Some people get red moles on their skin, and these may appear with little or no warning. If you are one of those people who is concerned about appearance, you should know that there are many who think the same, but it is not something to be alarmed about. That is why we want to tell you about red moles on the skin, what causes them and how to remove them.

What are these red moles?

These red moles are benign vascular lesions that appear on the skin and are quite common. They can develop in almost all parts of the body. They normally manifest as red dots on the skin, which appear progressively.

The existence of blood vessels and capillaries within these points are what cause that red color. For this reason they are known as blood moles on certain occasions.

Contrary to popular belief, these red skin moles are not actually moles. They are rather small vascular dilations and the name given to them medically is angioma.

What does an angioma look like?

Angiomas or red moles, as the name implies, are bright red in color, with a circle or oval shape. In addition to this, they are of a very small diameter, often very similar in size to the head of a pin or they can measure half a centimeter.

Some of these red moles on the face or any part of the body are flat and have a uniform appearance with the skin. But others are practically raised or totally. If they are irritated, they can bleed, as in the case of having to scratch or even with the friction of the bra in the case of women.

They are often a cause for concern when it comes to red moles on the face, as these are less aesthetically pleasing. However, its meaning is totally the same.

What are the causes of red moles?

The exact cause of red skin moles or angiomas is not yet known, but there may be a genetic factor. Causing certain people to be more likely to develop these angiomas. Some experts have linked them to pregnancy, certain medical conditions, as well as chronic sun exposure. Called the latter photoaging.

Likewise, there may be a relationship between the appearance of the first red moles on the skin and advancing age. There are occasions where these moles begin around 30 years of age. And it seems that they increase in size and quantity with age. There is a study that indicates that more than 75% of people over 75 years of age have angiomas.

People often associate the appearance of these types of moles on the skin with liver disorders or problems. Moreover, some people believe that they appear due to the accumulation of toxins within the liver. However, things like that are obviously false and there is no problem in the body in the presence of angiomas.

On the other hand, the habits that are carried in life, as in the case of diet and skin care, can also influence the appearance of these moles. It means that there are other probable causes of red moles appearing on the skin:

– Hormonal changes.

– Dehydration.

– Diet with large amounts of saturated fats, processed foods and sugars, along with poor hydration.

– Overexposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Is it necessary to worry about red moles?

Most of this class of angiomas is benign and is not a cause for concern. But if one of them bleeds too often, it changes its size, color, or shape, if that’s anything to worry about. For this type of case, it is necessary to contact the dermatologist for a consultation and rule out possible malignant lesions that are confused.

But if you have a lot of red moles and they’re always stable, it’s not a cause for concern.

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What are the warning signs?

When there are red moles on the face or anywhere on the body, there are symptoms that could indicate that these moles are malignant. Symptoms that do warrant concern include:

– Accelerated growth.

– Pain

– bleeding

– Itching

– Darkening

– Asymmetry

– Formation of relief.

– Sudden multiplication of these moles in different areas.

How are red moles removed?

Firstly, it is not always necessary to remove the red moles on the skin that have been described previously. Normally dermatologists treat these types of problems for aesthetic reasons. Although other of the most common reasons why these angiomas need to be removed is because they cause discomfort. Some of the most used methods to eliminate red moles on the skin are:


It is about freezing the angiomas in question with a little liquid nitrogen and this extreme cold will destroy the angioma completely. This method is known to be a very fast and practically simple operation to do. Typically, only one session of this treatment is needed for cryotherapy to be fully effective.

Although it sounds very simple to do, it is not the favorite method of some specialists for the treatment of red moles on the skin. This is because few angiomas have to be treated in a single session and a little healthy skin around the stitches will always have to be frozen. Causing color changes in the skin that could last for many years.


This is a surgical procedure that is based on burning the angiomas using an electrical current that is supplied by a probe. Although this is one of the most effective and most used methods, it is very likely that it will leave small marks after having carried out the treatment. Especially when it comes to people who have dark skin. It is usually the best alternative for angiomas.

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For some specialists, this is the preferred treatment to remove angiomas on the skin. It is a procedure where a vascular laser, carbon dioxide laser or intense pulsed light is used, in order to eliminate angiomas. This method is quick, painless and is done on an outpatient basis.

Depending on the number of angiomas you have on your skin, it will most likely take up to three sessions to completely remove them. Other than that, additional care is required after the treatment is done. But these are very small and do not prevent daily activities.


Although the other methods that have been mentioned are much faster and not as painful, there are those who want to use it. And that is why it is currently not used much. Surgery is an invasive method and is highly likely to cause scarring. For reasons such as these, this class of lesions should not be treated through this procedure.

What are the cares that should be followed after the treatment?

care once the angiomas have been removed are quite simple and the truth is that they do not require much. The following is normally recommended:

– exposure to the sun in the area that has been treated and use sunscreen.

– Wash every day with soap and water so that scabs do not form.

– Use ointments with antibiotics, regenerating creams or even Vaseline during the first days of treatment.

Some preventive measures to be followed

– Use sunscreen every day

– Avoid sun exposure, especially during the hours when there is more radiation. In the event that it cannot be avoided, the ideal is to use sunscreen on the face and cover the rest of the skin with the most appropriate clothing.

– Consume enough fluids throughout the day to maintain hydration.

– Make changes in eating habits, as in the case of avoiding the consumption of saturated fats, sugars and unhealthy foods.

– Apply moisturizing creams to the skin after bathing to take care of its elasticity.

– It is necessary to avoid showers with too hot water. This causes damage to blood circulation, apart from dilating the pores and exposing the skin to multiple injuries.

– Perform monthly self-examinations to prevent moles from changing size, and if so, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

– Do not use natural treatments to remove moles. Some of these can have adverse effects and seriously harm health.



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