The reports are news or reports that are written about facts and events related to particular topics. Among them we find reading reports, which are reports on the content of a book, magazine, essay, newspaper article, or other types of reading material (such as Internet articles), that are of interest. They reflect the most relevant information of a writing, so they are very useful when carrying out research work, for this reason they are often used, for example, in some school work and in other types of college, university and college research. other characters.
In itself, the reading report is a synthesis of the material read, where quotes from the aforementioned text are usually included. It is not a summary of the reading, but rather what the person understands from the reading in question, explaining what the reading is about, exposing the main ideas and concepts of it.
For the realization of a reading report, some basic points are taken, such as:
The cover or header, which includes the title of the book or material used, as well as the year of publication, name of the author, and bibliographic data.
- Book title and author name
- The topic or matter discussed is mentioned
- The main ideas of the reading are mentioned, they can add textual quotations from the reading in question, although this is not mandatory.
- You can add a review or summary of the text (this is optional).
- You can express a personal opinion of the content of the reading.
- At the end the conclusions of the same are put.
In this article, you will find:
Reading reports can be classified into three large groups:
Exhibitions.- They expose the facts and situations read in an orderly manner, without carrying out in-depth analysis of the subject in question.
Demonstratives.- These are those where a central idea of the text read is taken, objective opinions are presented on the topic dealt with in the reading.
Interpretive or analysis.- In them, the facts and situations that are represented in the reading are analyzed and interpreted, they are written in an analytical tone and they are thoroughly documented.
In all of them, the reading report provides a vision of what we understand from the reading we do, either in our own words or using extracts from the reading itself, such as summaries and/or transcriptions.
Example of reading report:
Reading report
(To whom the reading report is addressed)
Addressed to:
Political History Teacher
Justin Justinian Justinian
(Data of the student who makes the reading report)
Student doing reading report
Maricela Ordonez Gutierrez
3rd semester Political Science
(Name of the author of the reading)
Responsible for the publication:
Infantry Lieutenant Colonel, Agustín Rivas Ramírez.
(Bibliographic data)
October 1993. Pages, 7 and 8.
“Peace agreement between Israel and the PLO”.
(Body of the report)
The geostrategic importance of the Middle East area, as well as the present religious, historical and cultural implications, make the peace agreement through which the Jewish state and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) grant mutual recognition, and that the autonomy of the gaza strip and Jericho is determined, attracts world attention due to the consequent implications at the regional and global level.
This small enclave (Palestine and the Israeli state) constitutes one of the nerve centers of the world, which even without oil and without armed conflicts, represents an exceptional political objective; Its location as the junction point between the Mediterranean (the Suez Canal) and the Red Sea, make this area a strategic place for the powers, which explains why since the beginning of the century, some countries such as England, France, the United States and the former Soviet Union, have shown interest in and attraction to that area. Interest that is exemplified in the confrontations that occurred in said area during World Wars I and II, and later, between the Capitalist and communist ideological blocks, represented by the USA and the USSR.
Likewise, there is the historical conflict between Arabs and Israelites, who have been fighting over the territory since ancient times to occupy the area, which leads to a spiral of endless violence.
The Middle East has always been an area of conflict, especially since the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine in 1948, an event that unleashed several consecutive armed conflicts, the solution of which is still not fully in sight. The conflict is fueled by radical groups on both sides, Jewish fundamentalist groups and Islamic radicals.
Although the negotiations carried out by the PLO and the Jewish state have been able to materialize in a treaty that recognizes the right of the Palestinians to create a state, and in turn the recognition of the Jewish state by the PLO, this is just the beginning, since the conflicts will take many years to be resolved.
(central theme of the work)
This report focuses on the recent peace agreements (made in the year 1993), between the Organization for the liberation of Palestine (PLO), and the state of Israel.
(Main ideas of the reading)
After long years of armed conflicts and violence of various kinds, the parties in conflict agree to a cessation of violence that will lay the foundations for peace and the establishment of two free, sovereign and independent states, and the geostrategic importance of the area in conflict.
(Personal opinion)
Although the agreements mentioned in the report were reached, peace did not materialize for various reasons, mainly due to the respective breaches of the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, the invasion of Palestinian territories by Israeli settlers, as well as the insistent provocations and incentives for violence by radical Jewish and Muslim extremist groups, which have prevented full compliance with the agreements signed in that year of 1993. This has led to consecutive outbreaks of violence in all these years, for what that the pacification of the area is a fact that is not yet visible on the political horizon of today.
At the time this report was written (in the year 1993), there were great hopes regarding the peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which unfortunately has been reducing the possibilities of a prompt peaceful resolution, since the interests Economic, political, and the hatreds exploited by Jewish and Muslim extremists currently prevent any serious attempt at negotiation for a peaceful resolution, through the imposition of intransigent positions by both parties.
Cite in APA format:
Del Moral, M. (2023, January 11). Examples of Reading Report. . /ejemplos-de-reporte-de-lectura/