Quiz: What is the first thing you see in this image? Your answer indicates how you prepare for the future

One of the greatest illusions of the human being is to be able to predict the future. It is normal, if we take into account that the unknown makes us insecure. Especially when it comes to our own lives.

However, each person deals with this uncertainty of not knowing what will happen next in different ways. It depends on how we are, and what skills we have developed over time

Today we propose a simple test in which you can see how you prepare to face the future. Look carefully at this image and quickly answer what is the first thing you see. Then see what your answer says about you.

if you saw an eye

If the first thing you saw was an eye, it means that you are clear that what the future holds for you has to do with what you do today. It is not a magical space far from you in time, and in which you cannot influence.

On the contrary, you know that your actions are what cause movement, and what determines the outcome of things. Therefore, you are not afraid of what will come: you trust yourself, and you take care of what you worry about.

You are an analytical person, who always knows how to act at all times, and you are capable of projecting how certain things can influence your life. That’s why you rarely make wrong decisions.

If you saw foam

If the first thing you noticed was the foam, then you are looking forward to the future. It’s hard for you to live in the present, because you’re always thinking about what’s to come.

That leads you to neglect a little what you have today, because you are aware of all the good things that will happen tomorrow. However, the future is like the horizon: we are always at the same distance as it.

Therefore, you can be a bit of a non-conformist, and always want more. That’s not bad in itself, but you have to learn to slow down a bit from time to time and look around you. Before continuing to walk towards your dream future… Take a moment to be grateful for everything you have!

If you saw a swirl of water

If you noticed the whirlpool, it is because you are very afraid of what is to come. Basically, you’re worried that everything you’ve accomplished so far could go to waste overnight.

You like the comfort zone that you have managed to establish, and you do not feel like moving from it. You want everything to stay the way it is now, because you feel comfortable, and because you think things can get ugly if they change.

Unfortunately, we live in constant movement, and things will not remain forever as they are today. You should have confidence in your own actions, and not be afraid of the new that may come.