Through quantum meditation it is possible to obtain a proactive experience, which will offer people the opportunity to access their unconscious self. With the aim of creating that life they always wanted to live. Therefore, we will talk in more detail about what this variation of meditation is all about and how to practice it.
What is quantum meditation based on?
The practice of quantum meditation has to do with the principles of quantum physics, focused towards an observer effect. Being quantum physics a class of study that is carried out by expert scientists. Where after various tests, investigations and countless repetitions, it was possible to determine that the things that materialize are the ones that receive the most attention. And if that attention is withdrawn, the events that occur will not be the same.
So, quantum meditation is a technique that is based on modifying the beliefs and also the attitudes of the person. Characteristics that normally prevent such a person from moving forward and experience constant mental blocks. Through a style of meditation such as this, it is intended to open a door to what is known as a new dimension.
Within physiopsychology, it is a method used to offer knowledge about the way in which the glands work. Especially those that are responsible for regulating the immune system, the endocrine system and emotionality. Which is located towards the frontal lobe in a person’s brain.
Likewise, with quantum meditation it is desired to seek through knowledge, the awakening of reason. But also the activation of all those things that drive the person towards a state of elevation in consciousness. Keeping your mind totally calm and serene is the best way to learn to create a better reality every day.
At this point the brain must be given internal orders, while emotions, feelings and also thoughts are illuminated. Following a kind of vibration in high frequencies, but being in complete harmony.
Benefits of practicing quantum meditation
Due to the rapid acceleration of daily life, people live immersed without realizing it and over time this could generate counterproductive effects. The most notable benefits that can be obtained with quantum meditation lie in achieving the connection and knowledge of being itself. Therefore, this is a tool used to focus on thoughts as well as emotions.
Having done this, it will be possible to create, while maintaining full consciousness, a reality that allows the individual to channel all their energies, in order to obtain an improvement in their well-being.
In other words, quantum meditation helps people to keep their minds controlled, and to be prepared. In such a way that they can face any situation, or any challenge that implies submitting to a lot of stress and tension. Maintaining a state of greater security, without the need to immerse yourself in the most negative emotions.
Being well with respect to the emotional level is a great improvement for the physical part. This is because all the functions of the immune system will be activated, as well as the metabolism. However, there are many benefits that this kind of meditation can generate in a person, and some of them are:
bodily benefits
– Lowers blood pressure, being very helpful for those suffering from hypertension.
– Reduces body aches, very similar to what happens with painkillers.
– Improves digestive problems.
– Controls any kind of skin disorders.
– Prevents the brain from losing volume and prevents brain aging, increasing gray matter.
– The tonsils could decrease in size.
– Helps improve the general functioning of the immune system.
– A meditation like this decreases respiratory problems.
– Represents an improvement for blood circulation.
psychological benefits
– Intellectual awareness increases.
– Promotes the development of empathy and emotional intelligence.
– Increases the performance of the agility of the mind.
– Likewise, it represents an improvement for memory and for all functions at a cognitive level.
– It will decrease the selfish activity that occurs in the brain.
– It is an improvement for the ability to learn and for concentration.
– Strengthens skills to deal with addictions.
– Significantly increases resistance to pain.
– Controls states of insomnia, improving sleep quality.
– Progressively modifies genes.
– Generates the appearance of more positive thoughts and therefore increases states of happiness.
Quantum Meditation Classification
The variety of practices in quantum meditation is quite wide. But the one that generates the most positive effects is meditation that achieves well-being and through that the person identifies better. Among the most common types of quantum meditation are:
- mindfulness meditation
- transcendental meditation
- vipassana meditation
- zen meditation
How should quantum meditation be practiced?
To practice quantum meditation you have to have a few minutes in the day. Preferably in a place where there is no distraction with external noises. A lar where the mind is very relaxed, as this is one of the best ways to practice this method.
Once the person is in the most appropriate place, they will have to get into a fairly comfortable position. This can be sitting or even lying down. This done, the individual should now focus all their attention on his breathing. Breathing in slowly, until he has noticed that the lungs have filled. And after that the air will be expelled through the mouth gently.
At that time, the person will go through his entire body, starting from the bottom to the top. The toes will always be the starting point and the ending point will be the head. Keeping the mind focused and making an observation of the sensations or also of the thoughts, without having to stop. When the body tour is over, the person has to establish a positive thought. Stopping on that thought for a few seconds, with the aim of letting the energy flow.
During the procedure that involves quantum meditation, it is possible to take advantage of the exercise by playing some soft music. Subsequently, all beliefs that represent an obstacle for the person to achieve their goals will be eliminated. That done, he will proceed to create a sort of new Self. He will proceed to give thanks, as what has been created is considered within the quantum field. And it will materialize when the person has full confidence that his goals will come true.
The new reality will materialize the moment the mind breaks the belief in the limit. Carrying then those thoughts that have been created into a future, and that same future will be brought into the present.
Meditation for sleep improvement
Quantum meditation is often used to promote states of relaxation in the body and, at the same time, in the mind. Both are essential points for people to increase their quality of sleep. A meditation like this is ideal for those who suffer from severe insomnia or have difficulty falling asleep. Various studies have been able to show that through this practice people obtain good results.
Carrying out quantum meditation frequently will offer benefits for the body in general. As mentioned, a state of muscle relaxation is achieved and the level of stress, anxiety and even the level of depression are reduced.
Meditation to heal
Apart from being a type of meditation that helps significantly when it comes to sleep, it is also widely used to find total healing. Whether it is just about wanting to relieve pain, some discomfort or even an illness. In some guided practices, instructors lead the person to self-heal with quantum meditation. Well, it is known that most personal ills are within the mind.
Guided Meditation
It is a practice that is led by a specialist instructor, but that falls within the field of quantum meditation. This instructor could not only be a physical person, but digital resources could also be used to carry out a good practice. The idea is that the basic notions of everything that this kind of meditation entails are fulfilled.
It mainly happens when the people who want to participate don’t know much about the topic. Or it could also be a resource used by those who will have a different kind of meditation, the one they are usually used to.
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