Psychological test: answer the questions and find out what your emotional state is

Many times our emotions are hidden, covered by tricks of our conscious mind. We have a hard time accepting our fears, our doubts, our mixed feelings.

So, we prefer to hide them in the depths of our unconscious and not think about them anymore. But do you know what the problem is? That sooner or later they will appear.

You may not even see it coming, but what you have stored in the background of your consciousness will appear at some point. And the best thing you can do is face it before it has consequences.

How to reach those spheres of our mind? There are some psychological tests that can help you in that process. They are prepared to activate certain areas of the mind, and trigger automatic responses that allow you to understand yourself better.

The Forest Psychological Test is one of them. It consists of answering some questions, completely automatically.

Those answers will give you a lot of information about your current emotional state. Do you want to do them?

Let’s go for them!

This test requires a little exercise in imagination. You must imagine that you are walking towards some destination, and for this you must cross a forest.

Enter it and start walking…

Imagine everything in detail: the vegetation, whether or not there is a marked path, whether there is a lot of light or not, etc.

You keep walking and you meet a person you know.

  • 2. Who is that person?

You say goodbye to her, and continue your pilgrimage. You walk for a long time when, suddenly, an animal appears in the middle of your path.

  • 3. What animal is it? How do you react to him?

Leaving the animal behind, you continue through the forest and come across a beautiful house, one that you love.

  • 4. How is it? What size it has? How it looks? Does it have doors and windows? How many? Are they open or closed?

You approach the house and enter it. The first room you find is a dining room, with a large table in the middle

  • 5. What’s on the table? And around?

You go through that room, and you discover that there is a back door, and you decide to go out through it. But on the way, you discover that someone has left a forgotten cup on the floor…

  • 6. What material is the cup? What do you do with her?

Finally, you exit through the back door, which takes you back into the woods. You start walking and you come across a body of water.

  • 7. What kind of body of water is it? (a pool, a river, a puddle, a lagoon…). How do you get through it?

!! Congratulations!! You have finished the psychological test of the forest. Here’s what your answers mean.

The path represents the way you see the world around you. If everything is green and bright, and you are following a path, it means that you believe that your life is in order and that you feel sure of the decisions you have been making.

Instead, if you see it as dark, complicated and scary, it is because things are not going the way you really want.

  • 2. The most important person

The person you meet is the one you want to be by your side at all times, and especially in the current situation. Someone you lean on and that you need to always have close.

  • 3. The animal of fears

The animal that appears on the road represents your inner fears and ghosts. It does not matter so much what animal it is, but what attitude it has taken in your imagination. If it is big and aggressive, surely there is a latent fear that is making force inside you.

The way in which you have acted in relation to the animal is also important, since it has to do with the way in which you solve problems. Have you faced it or have you fled from it?

That’s exactly what you do with your fears. If you have ignored the animal, it means that you are trying to avoid problems and pretend that nothing is happening, which is almost the same as running away from them.

Finally, if the animal attacked you, it probably means that you feel that your problems damage your mental stability, if your interaction is based on treatment and understanding, it probably means that you try to resolve your conflicts assertively.

  • 4. The house of ambition

The size of the house represents your ambitions and expectations, as well as the way you work with them.

If it has many windows, it is because you are an outgoing person, and if they are open, it is because you feel like meeting others and opening up to the world. On the other hand, if there are almost no windows or if you imagined bars and everything closed, it is because you are at a time when you need to withdraw into yourself.

  • 5. The room of happiness

First of all, it is important to know if you imagined people around the table. If so, it is because you feel comfortable with your surroundings and with your life in general. If there was no one around the table, it is because you feel a little lonely and misunderstood.

If you imagined flowers or food on the table, it means that you feel quite happy and satisfied with what you have. However, if you saw another class of objects, it is because you are looking for what you really want, but nothing pleases you.

Finally, if you saw the empty table, it is because you feel that something important is missing in your life, which makes you unhappy.

  • 6. The Relationship Mug

The material of the cup represents the relationship with the people in your closest environment, such as your family or your partner, and especially with the person in the second question. If the cup is made of iron or ceramic it means that you see a lasting and stable relationship, if you have imagined a plastic or paper cup it indicates that you perceive little stability in your relationships.

What you have decided to do with the cup means what you really want to do with those relationships.

The nature of the body of water and its size (a mighty river or a small reservoir) represents the size and intensity of your sexual desire.

If you decide to get wet to go through it (for example, swim or walk across it), it means that you give sex a lot of importance in your life and have a healthy relationship with desire.

On the other hand, if you have decided to skirt it or not get wet, it is because you have desires that you do not dare to express.

What did you think of this test? Leave us your comments.


online psychology