Police Novel: what it is, characteristics, structure, authors

We explain what a detective novel is, its characteristics and origins. We also explain its structure and its main representatives.

What is a detective novel?

The detective novel or detective story is a literary fiction about crimes and crimes, which emerged at the beginning of the 19th century. It consists of an enigma that is revealed little by little as the story progresses. When the story ends, the mysterious crime is revealed.

In 1841 the first detective story called “The Murderers in the Rue Morgue” was published., written by Edgar Allan Poe. The detective profession was still a recent activity at that time and it is estimated that Allan Poe was inspired by the first detective office founded in Paris in 1817 by François-Eugène Vidocq.

See also: Horror story

Characteristics of the detective novel

The detective novel is characterized by:

  • The plot is based on a crime. The mystery before the fact of a crime is what drives the story. Other crimes such as robberies and robberies are also common. It should be a believable story that the reader can connect with.
  • The hero. The most prominent character is usually the detective or person who manages to solve the mystery of the crime.
  • The suspect. He is the character that fuels the suspense and intrigue during the story.
  • The false clues. They are resources that are used to persuade the reader, so that he or she cannot solve the mystery quickly and continues reading the story.
  • The criminal. It is the essential character who is usually very intelligent and cunning, but who goes unnoticed until the end of the story.

Structure of the detective novel

The detective novel has a defined structure, even when the narrative does not respond to the chronological presentation of events. It is made up of three parts:

  • Introduction. General features of the crime or offence are presented.
  • Knot. Multiple questions arise, different possible suspects are identified, and the investigation deepens.
  • Outcome. The murderer is discovered or the mystery is solved.

In its beginnings, detective novels focused on the plot, so that the plot would unfold based on the deductions of the reader and the investigator or main character.

As time goes by, interest began to focus on the psychological analysis of the events and characterssuch as behaviors, thoughts and traumas, to finally focus on the realistic and violent aesthetics of the elements that define the enigma and its unveiling.

Main representatives of the detective novel

Among the main representatives of the detective novel are:

  • Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849). He was an American writer, poet and journalist. He is considered the creator of the police genre and stood out with works such as: “The Well and the Pendulum”, “The Black Cat”, “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Raven”.
  • Agatha Christie (1890 – 1976)She was a British writer and playwright who specialized in the detective genre. Her work, with 66 novels and more than 150 short stories, gained international recognition. She stood out with works such as: “The Case of the Anonymous”, “A Corpse in the Library”, “A Murder is Announced” and “The Trick of the Mirrors”.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 – 1930). He was a British writer and doctor. He was known for creating the famous detective character Sherlock Holmes and for works such as: “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, “A Study in Scarlet”, “The Lost World” and “The Return of Sherlock Holmes”.
  • Wilkie Collins (1824 – 1889). He was an English novelist and playwright. He was noted for writing 27 novels, 14 plays and more than 60 short stories. Among his works, the following stand out: “The Moonstone”, “The Lady in White”, “The Law and the Lady” and “Basil”.
  • Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 – 1965). Known as TS Eliot, he was a British poet, playwright and literary critic. He stood out for works such as: “The Waste Land”, “Four Quartets”, “The Hollow Men” and “Ash Wednesday”.
  • Raymond Chandler (1888 – 1959). He was an American writer who specialized in crime novels. He stood out for works such as: “The Big Sleep”, “The Long Goodbye”, “The Lady of the Lake” and “The Sinister Window”.
  • Dashiell Hammett (1894 – 1961). He was an American writer of crime novels, short stories and film scripts. He stood out for creating characters such as: Sam Spade, the Continental agent, and detectives Nick and Nora Charles. Among his works are: “Red Harvest”, “The Maltese Falcon”, “The Curse of the Dains” and “The Continental Agent”.
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 – 1881). He was a Russian writer who was noted for his works that explore human psychology and political context. Among his works the following stand out: “Crime and Punishment”, “The Possessed”, “Memories of the Underground” and “Poor People”.
  • Henning Mankell (1948 – 2015). He was a Swedish novelist and playwright. He stood out for his 12 internationally recognized crime novels. Among his works are: “Faceless Killers”, “The Red Herring”, “The Dogs of Riga” and “The White Lioness”.
  • Patricia Highsmith (1921 – 1995). She was an American novelist who stood out for works such as: “The Talented Mr. Ripley”, “Strangers on a Train”, “Carol” and “Imaginary Crimes”.

Continue with: Contemporary novel


  • “Detective story” on Britannica
  • “Crime fiction” in Study
  • “What is detective fiction?” in Literaysomnia
  • “The detective novel” in SM