Polar climate: what it is, characteristics, types, flora and fauna

We explain what the polar climate is, what its characteristics are and what subtypes exist. In addition, examples of flora and fauna in environments with a polar climate.

The polar climate has an average annual temperature that does not exceed 10 ºC.

What is polar climate?

The polar climate is a type of climate in which the average annual temperature does not exceed 10 ºC. It extends in the areas of latitudes close to the North Pole and the South Pole, and to high mountain peaks such as the Himalayas and the Andes mountain range. The regions that have a polar climate cover 20% of the Earth’s surface.

Polar climate areas are also very rainy.Low temperatures and low humidity in the environment mean that there is very little precipitation throughout the year. When it does occur, it almost always comes in the form of snow.

The development of life in polar climate regions is complex due to the extreme cold, both on land and in water, so a few species of animals and plants have adapted to survive.

Furthermore, they are areas that They usually have very few populations compared to other regions, many of which are virtually uninhabited.

Polar climate characteristics

Summer temperatures in the cold polar climate do not exceed 10 °C.

Some characteristics of the polar climate are:

  • It is the coldest climate on the planet, with temperatures that do not exceed 10 °C in summer. The maximum cold recorded was -89 °C at Vostok Station in Antarctica.
  • It extends in the regions of the North Pole and the South Pole, and in mountainous areas.
  • It has two distinct seasons of the year, one longer and extremely cold, and another warmer and shorter.
  • It has polar day and night, which means that it doesn’t get dark on summer days and in winter months can go by without the sun rising.
  • It has very low annual rainfall.
  • Very few species of plants and animals live.
  • They are practically unpopulated areas with very few human settlements.

Types of polar climates

According to the Köppen climate classification, there are three subtypes of polar climate:

  • Polar tundra climateThe temperature of the warmest month is between 0 and 10 °C. Only in the summer months does some vegetation appear.
  • Glacial polar climate. The temperature of the warmest month does not reach 0 °C. There is no type of vegetation. The fauna is very scarce.
  • Snowy polar climate. It has the same characteristics as the glacial polar climate, but is found in high mountain areas.

The Köppen climate classification is one of the most widely used to differentiate the types of climate that exist. According to this criterion, there are five major types of climates: tropical climate, arid or dry climate, temperate climate, continental climate and polar climate.

Polar climate location

The polar climate is distributed on the planet as follows:

  • Tundra polarIt is located in some sectors of northern Canada and Greenland in North America and in sectors of Russia in Asia.
  • glacial polar. It is the most widespread subtype of polar climate. It is found in much of Antarctica, near the North Pole and in the interior of Greenland.
  • snow polarIt is located at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, on the highest peaks of the highest mountain ranges on the planet, such as the Andes, the Rockies and the Himalayas.

Flora and fauna of the polar climate

The polar bear feeds on marine animals.

The flora of the polar climate is characterized by being scarce and small in size., because the ground is frozen most of the time, the temperatures are very cold and rainfall is very scarce. In the warmer season, some mosses, lichens and small shrubs usually grow.

The fauna of the polar climate is characterized by the presence of animal species that have Physical adaptations that allow them to withstand low temperatures all year round such as dense coats, abundant subcutaneous fat and strong legs.

Among the main polar climate animals stand out the polar bear, the arctic fox, the arctic wolf, the arctic hare and the reindeer. Some of them emigrate in the season of extreme cold. Aquatic animals represent the greatest diversity of species in polar climate regions.. Some of the aquatic species in this climate are penguins, the Atlantic puffin, seals, walruses and whales.


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