Plants to grow in the shade of trees

Having large trees next to the house is not an impediment to being able to grow plants under them. However many will tell you that plant something next to a tree It is not the best because it is likely that some will end up dying or that one will weaken the other and they will not fully develop. Here we show you some species of plants that grow under or around trees. Let’s not forget the enormous number of tropical plants that grow in the shade of the trees, in the undergrowth. A cover formed by Geranium phaeum, Epimedium Y Alchemilla mollis will be ideal for cultivate under a row of trees in a very shady area of ​​the garden. Medium-sized trees are ideal because they offer us shade but let enough light through so that we do not have too many problems growing many plants under them. In the case of trees such as privet or laurel, they usually emit substances in their roots that prevent anything from growing around them, so that no adventitious plant steals water and nutrients from them. However, most species do admit the presence of other companions next to their roots. It is very It’s important to consider the factor light when choosing these plants: under the tree canopy, the sun’s rays hardly reach, so species that need a lot of light, such as daisies or poppies, cannot be planted. On the other hand, it is important that the plant we plant needs the same amount of water as the tree, because if we water them too much, a tree that does not require large amounts of water could suffer. It is best to choose bulbous species or that reproduce vegetatively by layering. Some floors that will thrive at the foot of our trees are the euphorbiasthe entire anemone genus with its 120 different species, ferns, hostas and vinca minor. Spring bulbs will grow perfectly with the first rays of spring sun, when the treetops are not yet so thick as to make it difficult to pass of the sun. Crocus tommasinianus, Cyclamen hederifolium, are some of the bulbous plants that we can grow in the shade of the trees. When what we have in the garden is a line of trees of the same species, like this row of birches, it is interesting that the plant cover below is also a single species. And of course we cannot forget the shrubbery, the great allies and natural companions of trees, such as. the rhododendron. They will help us to recreate a wilder environment under the trees.

for each season

* In winter, cyclamen: It is a very cold-resistant plant that blooms again year after year. In addition, it does not need to receive sunlight to show its best color. It withstands frost and rain stoically and, once summer arrives, it remains in a state of lethargy, until it regrows again in winter.* In spring, bulbs: It is the safest option. Hyacinths, daffodils, anemones, tulips… they don’t need sunlight to sprout and they will be comfortable under the tree. For the set to be spectacular, it is best to plant them among the vinca, so that when they grow they appear between the branches of that green carpet.* In summer, vinca: More than in summer, it is perfect all year round. It stays green in winter and its flowers splash with color from spring. This plant reproduces by layering, that is, when a branch rests on the ground, new roots sprout that encourage the plant to spread further. Font: