Planning: what it is, steps, types and characteristics

We explain what planning is and what its objectives and methodologies are. In addition, we explain its characteristics, classification and processes.

Planning is a guide that allows you to coordinate multiple tasks and resources.

What is planning?

Planning is a model or plan that is used as a guide to implement various projects and objectives. It is a list that details in an orderly manner the processes, resources and time that will be necessary to solve a specific problem or to achieve business objectives.

For example: A clothing company plans the budget needed for the production of the new winter season. It must take into account raw materials, delivery times, production services, labor, quality control, logistics, sales team and advertising. The list of tasks allows for coordinating their execution in time so that the objectives are met.

See also: Administrative planning

What is planning for?

Planning is key to success, both for a work team and an organization, because it allows multiple processes and tasks to be coordinated in an orderly manner to achieve objectives in the stipulated time.

Steps to carry out a planning

Planning is carried out through a series of orderly processes.

Planning can be done through different tools and techniques that allow resources and strategies to be listed chronologically.

For example: With a diagram and handwritten annotations or through software devices, it is possible to manage information accurately, manage projects, coordinate work groups, among many other functions.

The suggested steps to prepare a plan, regardless of the tool used, are:

  1. To analize the situation. It consists of understanding the current situation, the needs and detecting possible problems. A misinterpretation of the project can become a problem during the development of the planning.
  2. Define objectives. It consists of the reason or the reason for the project for which we are going to carry out the planning. In addition to the importance of analyzing the situation, it is necessary to review the objective and understand it clearly.
  3. Develop the action plan. It consists of carrying out the specific actions that are necessary to achieve the objective and that must be delegated to each person in charge or team, as appropriate.
  4. Detail necessary resources. It consists of listing all the resources (material and human) that will be necessary to develop the action plan. It may be accompanied by an estimate of expenses based on the available budget, to calculate and decide what resources and inputs the project has and which ones it will need to acquire.
  5. Execute the plan. It consists of the work itself, of the staff, suppliers and managers involved to whom the tasks of the action plan were assigned.
  6. Control and evaluate. It consists of monitoring and analyzing whether the plan is progressing as planned. If problems or delays arise in the development of the plan, it is important to meet with the teams involved to define a solution.

Types of planning

The main types of planning are:

  • Strategic planning. It consists of a comprehensive business plan that allows the functioning of an organization. Its execution depends on management decision-making, and includes financial aspects, mission and vision, long-term objectives and the structure of the company.

    For example
    : A company that sells coffee has the mission of creating experiences for the customers who consume it in its establishments, not just satisfying the desire to drink an infusion. Through various stimuli, such as the atmosphere, music, aromas and food it offers, the company provides a differential advantage that is unrelated to the product it offers.
  • Tactical planning. It consists of reviewing general goals to define specific objectives. Its execution depends on each person in charge or each corresponding area of ​​an organization, which must fulfill their respective tasks and functions.

    For example: A company has a medium-term goal of increasing sales by 10% in the next three months. The tactical plan of the marketing area will be to carry out an awareness campaign, the sales team will organize a demonstration meeting to test the products, and the press team will plan an information dissemination campaign with professionals and influential personalities. Each area will carry out its own tactical planning to meet a specific objective that is aligned with the general objective of the organization.

  • Operational planning. It consists of a series of basic or fundamental actions to guarantee the performance of an organization or a project in the short or medium term. Operational planning focuses on the resources available, how the resources will be used, and the tasks necessary to achieve the objectives. It depends on the directors or area managers, who contribute to implementing and controlling an operational plan.

    For example: Factory workers are divided into three eight-hour shifts to work, since the machines are kept running 24 hours a day. Each worker must follow the operating plan stipulated for each shift, so that they can optimize the time and resources available. There are fewer employees working on the night shift compared to the morning and afternoon shifts, so the safety and conflict resolution protocols are different.

  • Regulatory planningIt consists of a series of rules and regulations that the management of an organization establishes during a given period to achieve its objectives.

    For example: During a period of strong epidemics, the company can take prevention and precautionary measures that condition the normal development of work, with restricted access to certain areas, use of protective clothing, disposable medical supplies and the authorization of teleworking for its employees.

Importance of planning

Planning allows the company to maintain a balance between tasks that it can coordinate and unforeseen events or problems that are beyond its control but that must be addressed because they interfere with its activity.

Both the analysis of the current situation of an organization to clarify the strengths and aspects to improve, as well as the review of the objectives and strategies to achieve them, are instances of the planning process that They allow you to improve company management, even when something does not turn out as expected.. Planning is important, because it contributes to effective decision making.

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  • Flores, MC, & Gómez, DO (2008). Some planning models. Administrative Science Magazine, 34m UV.
  • Bigelow, S. & Pratt, M. (2022). Strategic planningfrom TechTarget.
  • Eye on tech (2022). 5 steps of strategic planning (video), from YouTube.
  • Kadhem, F. (2020). Types of planning: strategic, tactical, operational and normativefrom Linkedin.