Picaresque Novel: characteristics, origin, context, works

We explain what the picaresque novel is and its characteristics. We also explain how this literary subgenre came about and provide examples of novels.

What is the picaresque novel?

The picaresque novel It is a narrative literary subgenre that is written in prose and is characteristic of Spanish literature.. It emerged during the Golden Age, between the 16th and 17th centuries, in which art and literature in Spanish flourished and which included the transition period between the Renaissance and Baroque movements.

In general, picaresque novels are told in the first person. The narrator and the protagonist are usually the same person, who tries to tell his own story, although it is certainly far from being real. The central character is characterized by his mischiefthat is, he is cunning, shameless and deceitful.

See also: Contemporary Novel

Characteristics of the picaresque novel

The picaresque novel is characterized by:

  • Emerge in Spain in the 16th century.
  • Be narrated in first person autobiographically.
  • Have a main character who is an antihero and which narrates his own life conditioned by the hostile environment.
  • Express in a way Critical and ironic the reality of that time.
  • Have a moralizing message that makes the reader think.
  • Express a cold self-criticism.
  • Being a parody of Renaissancea movement that sought the rebirth of the values ​​and ideals of Greco-Roman antiquity.
  • Be narrated in a simple languageconcise and plain.

Origin of the picaresque novel

The picaresque novel emerged in Spain during the 16th century as criticism of the Old Regime of theocratic and absolutist monarchies. It was a literary genre that allowed social problems to be expressed through mischief and irony.

During this time, Spain was going through a political context of corruptionwith a monarchical government that enriched itself and, at the same time, squandered its wealth and did not invest in the well-being of its people.

In addition, it had just invaded America, so it had amassed a large amount of gold and other riches after plundering the New World. It became the first power in the world, which is why it is called the Golden Age. from Spain.

The Renaissance period was replaced by the Baroque, which was characterized by an exuberant style and excessive ornamentation, which manifested itself in art, literature, music and architecture. The Baroque was a transitional movement between the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age..

Works of the picaresque novel

Among the main works of picaresque novels by Spanish authors, the following stand out:

  • “The life of the guide of Tormes” (1554). It is an anonymous novel and it is believed that the reasons why its author preferred to remain anonymous were: for fear of the Holy Inquisition or the reaction of royalty. After its publication it was banned for five years. In 1555 a second part of the work was published.
  • “Guzman of Alfarache” (1599). It is a novel by Mateo Alemán that was published in two parts: the first in Madrid and the second in Lisbon with the title “Second part of the life of Guzmán de Alfarache, watchtower of human life” (1604).
  • “The Honofre guitón”. It is the only known novel by Gregorio González for which a manuscript dating from 1604 was found.
  • “Celestina’s daughter” (1612). It is a work by Alonso Jerónimo de Salas de Barbadillo.
  • “The guide of Manzanares” (1620). It is a novel by Juan Cortés de Tolosa.
  • “The life of a hustler” (1626). It is a novel by Francisco de Quevedo.
  • “The harpies in Madrid and the car of scams” (1631). It is a novel by Alonso de Castillo Solórzano.
  • “The Pythagorean Century and the Life of Gregory the Scythe” (1644). It is a novel by Antonio Enriquez Gomez.
  • “Periquillo from the henhouses” (1668). It is a novel by Francisco Santos.
  • “The disorderly greed of other people’s goods” (1877). It is a novel by Carlos García.

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