Pacific Ocean: climate, flora, fauna and characteristics

We explain what the Pacific Ocean is, where it is located and what its extension is. Also, its characteristics, its ocean currents and more.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet.

What is the Pacific Ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of salt water on the planet and is located between the continental masses of America, Oceania, Asia and Antarctica. It has an area of ​​more than 155 million square kilometers, which represents 30.3% of the total on Earth. The deepest point is in the Mariana Trench, 10,992 meters below the water surface.

Due to its great extension, the International Hydrographic Organization divides the Pacific Ocean into two sectors: the North Pacific, north of the equator, and the South Pacific, to the south.

All continental edges of this ocean are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area with high seismic and volcanic activity. Furthermore, the Pacific Ocean It is characterized by the formation of typhoonswhich are very dangerous storm systems when they approach coastal areas.

See also: Oceans

Features of the Pacific Ocean

The main characteristics of the Pacific Ocean are:

  • It is the largest body of salt water on the planet.
  • It is located between America, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica.
  • It has an area of ​​155 million square kilometers.
  • It is divided into the North Pacific and the South Pacific.
  • It includes the deepest ocean depth, the Mariana Trench.
  • Its waters are threatened by different types of pollution.
  • Some of its islands are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.
  • Includes the Great Barrier Reef, in Oceania.

Formation of the Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the result of the movement of tectonic plates.

More than 200 million years ago, Most of the Earth’s land masses were gathered in a supercontinent called Pangaea, surrounded by a single ocean: Panthalassa. When Pangea began to fragment, new oceans were formed, such as the Atlantic or the Indian Ocean, and what was Panthalassa formed the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific tectonic plate was formed from the fragmentation of the older Pacific-Panthalassa plate. The division of this plate into several smaller ones formed the ocean floor.

Oceanic plates like the Pacific tend to sink below continental plates, in a process called subduction. This has led to the creation of deep ocean trenches, such as the Mariana Trench; also to the formation of island arcs, such as the Aleutian Islands, the islands of Japan and the Philippines, which are known for their intense volcanic and seismic activity.

Pacific Ocean climate

Due to its large area, the Pacific encompasses a wide variety of climates. In areas close to the equator, the climate is hot and rainy., and the ocean waters are warmer. In tropical areas, the climate is also warm, but drier. As you move away from the equator, the climate becomes colder, as do the ocean waters.

Extreme weather events occur in the Pacific Ocean. Large tropical storms called typhoons form in the waters near Asia, especially in China, the Philippines and Japan.

Flora and fauna of the Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is an important source of marine biodiversity.

Marine flora in the Pacific Ocean It is characterized by the presence of phytoplanktonwhich are microorganisms capable of carrying out photosynthesis and which form the basis of the marine food chain.

As for the fauna, There are fish of different sizesfrom small tropical reef fish to large predators such as sharks.

In the dark and cold depths, they develop animal life forms that have evolved to withstand extreme pressure, darkness, and low temperaturesSome species have bioluminescent organs that allow them to communicate, defend themselves from predators and search for food in low-light areas. Others grow to a small size in order to survive in conditions of scarce food resources.

On the other hand, the waters near the poles are home to marine life adapted to the environment of low temperatures and the presence of ice, such as seals, walruses, penguins, orcas and whales.

Marine currents of the Pacific Ocean

Temperature differences in the water favour the formation of ocean currents, which are flows of water moving within the oceans. The main ocean currents that circulate in the Pacific Ocean are:

cold currents:

  • California CurrentIt flows from north to south along the west coast of the United States and Mexico.
  • Humboldt Current – Peru. It flows from south to north along the coasts of Chile and Peru.
  • Oyashio Current. It flows from north to south along the eastern coasts of Russia, off the Kamchatka Peninsula.

warm currents:

  • Kuroshio Current. It flows from south to north along the coasts of the Philippines, China and Japan.
  • East Australian CurrentIt flows from the equator towards the tropics along the eastern coast of Australia.
  • North Equatorial CurrentIt flows from east to west between the parallels of 10° and 15° north latitude.
  • South Equatorial CurrentIt flows from east to west between the parallels of 10° and 15° south latitude.

Pacific Ocean Islands

The largest islands in the Pacific Ocean are:

  • New Guinea. It is an island shared by Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It is the second largest island in the world, with an area of ​​785,000 square kilometers.
  • HonshuIt is the largest island in Japan and has an area of ​​227,000 square kilometers.
  • Sulawesi. It belongs to Indonesia and has an area of ​​174,000 square kilometers.
  • South Island. It is the largest island in New Zealand and has an area of ​​145,000 square kilometers.
  • North IslandIt belongs to New Zealand and has an area of ​​111,000 square kilometers.

Pollution in the Pacific Ocean

In the North Pacific is the largest plastic island in the world.

Environmental degradation in the Pacific Ocean is caused mainly by chemical pollution, plastic pollution and pollution resulting from oil drilling on underwater platforms.

Chemical contamination

Chemical pollution It is produced by the discharge of heavy metals and industrial productsThese pollutants enter the ocean through activities such as agriculture, mining and industry. Exposure to these substances can have serious consequences for marine life and human health.

Plastic pollution

Plastic waste, from microplastics to larger objects, is increasingly accumulating in the ocean. “Plastic islands” are huge accumulations of garbage that float in the waterThe largest plastic island on the planet is located in the Pacific Ocean: it is estimated to be 1.6 million square kilometres in size and contains more than 80,000 tonnes of plastic.

Pollution from oil exploitation

Oil drilling activities on the continental shelves of the Pacific Ocean are a major source of pollution. Oil spills and chemical releases can have harmful effects in marine ecosystems, wildlife and the health of coastal populations.}

The Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is the deepest area of ​​the Earth’s oceans.It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, off the coasts of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines, China and Japan, and is the result of the subduction of the Pacific plate with that of the Philippines.

This trench stretches for about 2,550 kilometers and has a maximum known depth of approximately 10,992 meters. Its depth is greater than the height of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

Despite the extreme pressure and darkness of the deep, the Mariana Trench is home to a diversity of marine life adapted to the extreme conditions. Species of deep-sea fish and other organisms have been discovered that have developed adaptations to survive in this harsh environment.

The Mariana Trench has been a focus of scientific research due to the possibility of discovering new species and better understanding deep-sea geology. Manned and unmanned submarines have been used to explore its depths and collect data on its geological and biological characteristics.

The great coral barrier

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia includes more than two thousand reefs.

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world and is located on the northeast coast of Australia. It is located in the Coral Sea, near the coast of Queensland. Although its exact extension is difficult to establish, It is estimated to be 2,300 kilometers long..

Is composed of more than two thousand reefs and about a thousand islands, and its magnitude is such that it can be seen from space. In addition, it contains great biodiversity, made up of thousands of species of fish, corals, mollusks, sponges, sea turtles and sharks.

Due to its great landscape, tourist and ecological value, The Great Barrier Reef was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1981.. Despite this, it faces several threats, such as rising water temperatures due to climate change and pollution. Australia’s conservation efforts focus on preserving and mitigating risks to the ecosystems that make up the Great Barrier Reef.

The ring of fire

The Pacific Ring of Fire is characterized by intense seismic and volcanic activity.

The Pacific Ring of Fire, also called the Ring of Fire, is a region of the Pacific basin that is characterized by a intense seismic and volcanic activity.

This region is prone to earthquakes, because The boundaries of tectonic plates produce constant seismic activity. Some of the largest earthquakes in history, such as the one in Chile in 1960 or the one in Japan in 2011, occurred in this region.

In the ring of fire there is also a large number of active volcanoes. Some of the many active volcanoes in this region include Mount Saint Helens in the United States, Mount Fuji in Japan, Cotopaxi Volcano in Ecuador, and Puyehue Volcano in Chile.

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