Organizational development: what it is, methods and characteristics

We explain what organizational development is, its importance and its methods. Also, the stages of organizational development and more.

Organizational development allows you to adapt to changes effectively.

What is organizational development?

Organizational development is a set of systematic methods and actions that allow the functioning and adaptation to changes in an organization, with the aim of growing and progressing effectively.

For example: Human resource management and strategic planning are factors that allow solving problems or conflict situations that affect the efficiency of the organization.

Organizational development allows to achieve a previously planned changesuch as increasing production capacity or improving employee loyalty. Whatever changes the organization must undergo to ensure that it operates on the basis of its objectives is part of organizational development.

See also: Organizational behavior

Methods of organizational development

For an organization to be effective, it must implement methods for business management that are dynamic and systematicwhich allow them to face and overcome changes. Both challenges and objectives are part of organizational development.

Nowadays organizational development It differs from the traditional bureaucratic systemwhich was based on rigid criteria and structures for management, did not adapt quickly to changes and did not take into account the maximum potential of human resources.

Current organizational development depends on technological advancesmarket changes and, in particular, social and ideological changes that impact the organization’s climate.

However, the methods for organizational management that are currently effective will require updates or will have to be replaced by new methods in the futureFlexibility is possible in learning organizations and those that practice continuous assessment and learning.

Stages of organizational development

Continuous evaluation is key to ensuring that objectives are achieved.

Organizational development can be carried out in multiple ways, in stages or based on systematized processes, in each case common business management methods are applied.

The main stages of organizational development are:

  • Market researchIt consists of collecting data and analyzing metrics from competitors, consumers, clients and other factors external to the organization to obtain results that contribute to solving problems or making strategic decisions.
  • Strategic planningIt consists of designing an action plan to achieve the objectives, based on the proper management of the available resources and those that need to be incorporated, the market conditions and the possible inconveniences that may arise.
  • Human resource motivation. It consists of part of the work of the human resources area, which evaluates, analyzes and draws conclusions from the organization’s main resource, its employees. The objective is to contribute to maintaining a balanced organizational climate, for which it is necessary to use communication channels that allow feedback from employees.
  • Continuous assessment. It consists of analyzing and detecting conflicts or possible improvements for the different processes of the organization, such as: the level and quality of productivity, employee and customer satisfaction or the situation of competitors.
  • Continuous learning. It consists of applying systematic processes to acquire knowledge from one’s own experiences, especially those related to human resources, which include employees and customers. The objective is to promote the organizational climate to achieve better work quality for employees and to generate a positive impact on the productive effectiveness of the organization.

Continue with: Smart Organization


  • Robbins, SP, & Judge, TA (2009). Fundamentals of organizational behavior. 13th Edition. Pearson. Mexico.
  • Castrillon, MAG (2005). Organizational development and planned change. University of Rosario.
  • HR TV Editorial Team. (2019). Organizational development and its importance within companiesFrom Human Resources
  • Pineda Godoy, B. Organizational development. National Open University. Venezuela.