Oral Communication: what it is, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

We explain what oral communication is and what its characteristics are. Also, its elements, advantages, disadvantages and more.

What is oral communication?

Oral communication is one of the forms of expression of human beings that It involves using spoken words that vary in pitch, volume, speed, and clarity. with which they are stated.

This type of communication occurs between two or more people who use the same linguistic code and the message is transmitted over the air or through some physical medium, such as a device.

It is an intrinsic capacity of the human being that differentiates it from the rest of the animals that, although they can emanate sounds, are not capable of modulating words and developing such a complex code of signs.

oral communication made it possible for ancient man to organize himself into groups and populations, and contributed to their evolution. Nowadays, life in society is possible due to oral language, which is important in various areas, such as school, professional, business and politics.

See also: Communication barriers

Characteristics of oral communication

Oral communication is characterized by:

  • Being a natural ability and human being’s own.
  • Being fleeting in naturethat is, it is not recorded later (unless it is recorded by a device).
  • Be informal and open to mistakessuch as the use of augmentatives, diminutives or fillers that would not be appropriate in written communication.
  • Allow a quick exchange of opinions and responses between the sender and the receiver.
  • Be representative of each culture because it reflects different accents according to each particular population.

Elements of oral communication

Oral communication requires the following elements to be carried out:

  • Transmitter. He is the one who gives the speech.
  • Receiver. It is the one to whom the speech is directed.
  • Message. It is the information that is transmitted.
  • Channel. It is the medium through which the message is transmitted, such as the air in the case of a face-to-face conversation, or the telephone for two people who live in different places.
  • Code. It is the language or group of signs that the sender and the receiver share.
  • Situation. It is the context in which communication takes place and which influences the meaning and interpretation of the message.

In addition to the elements of communication, there are strategies that exert influence depending on the objective of the message, such as:

  • Clarity when modular.
  • The ability to be concise and brief.
  • The precision.
  • Empathy with the recipient.
  • The conviction of the sender when enunciating his message.

Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication

Oral communication is appropriate for certain times or purposes, but it is not as useful in certain situations.

Between the advantages Of oral communication, the following stand out:

  • The diversity of expressions that can be used.
  • The possibility of get an immediate response of the receiver.
  • The possibility of make clarifications at the time.
  • The possibility of divert the central theme to talk about a particular topic.
  • The speed to resolve conflicts.

Between the disadvantages Of oral communication, the following stand out:

  • The possibility of arising misunderstandings or various interpretations based on what has been stated.
  • The inability to reverse something said.
  • The lack of comprehension in case of not handling the same system of signs.
  • The demand for attention required by the receiver.
  • The lack of formality for the registration of legal matters.

Forms of oral communication

Oral communication can be:

  • Spontaneous. It is the type of communication that does not require planning and denotes a disordered discourse structure.
  • Planned. It is the type of communication that is premeditated, organized, and even rehearsed, such as a speech, an interview, or academic training.

Body language in oral communication

In oral communication, whether face-to-face, recorded or virtual, body language is influential, that is, gestures, body posture and even the way of looking at the receiver. These attitudes of the sender They influence the transmission of a message, both positively and negatively. (in case they are not understood or developed adequately).

Continue with: Oral presentation
