Nikon D3200: The SLR Every Beginner Should Have

I love this Nikon series, but the Nikon D3200 has been surpassed by the wonderful Nikon D3400. You can read everything about her here, but I’ll let you know that, as of today, she’s my favorite 🙂 .

One of the things that makes Nikon a great camera brand is the exquisiteness with which this brand takes care of amateur, amateur and beginner photographers. It puts a lot of care and effort into bringing together great features, ease of use and affordable prices, 3 things that the novice user looks for in dslr camera.

In today’s article, and yielding to pressure from my readers who follow the blog through the Facebook Fan pageI am going to tell you about Nikon’s latest jewel in terms of digital SLR cameras: the D3200.

Family tree

If you have just landed in the world of DSLRs it would be good if you took a look at the following graph. In it you will understand a little about the generations of digital SLR cameras for the beginner user that Nikon has been launching on the market, and where the D3200 would be located within the evolutionary chain:

To give us an idea, people in 2006 were crazy about the D40, it was at the time a small revolution for the average consumer since Nikon suddenly decided to “democratize” digital SLR photography by bringing it closer to the amateur user at a price reasonable: 600 euros. Yes, for that price the user could access a 6-megapixel camera, ISO 1,600, a CCD-type sensor (of the bad type, let’s say), and little else. And yes, people FLIPPED.

Today, suddenly, his great-great-granddaughter is released under the name of D3200 with 24 Megapixels, 6,400 ISO, full HD video features, CMOS sensor (the good one) and a price of €699. And on top of that some still doubt 😀

Featured Features

Well, if you are one of those who continue to doubt, I invite you to look the features and benefits of the D3200 and compare them with those of the reflex camera that you want 😉 You will realize it yourself.

I’m going to save you all the technical specifications stuff that you can find on any specialized website (type something like Nikon D3200 specifications into Google and you’ll find endless results). What I would like to comment on here with you are those most outstanding characteristics, those that make the D3200 a special or different SLR, let’s say:

How many megapixels does the Nikon D3200 camera have?

The 24 megapixels that the D3200 is simply excessive and offer a very high resolution. In fact, if you end up buying it, I recommend that you shoot at a slightly lower megapixel resolution because 24MP is BESTIAL 😉

What video features does it offer?

Not only does it allow recording Full HD video (1080p) at 30fps, but it also offers, for example, the possibility of maintaining autofocus while recording video, something that cameras of a supposedly much higher range (Canon 600D for example) lack.

What kind of sensor does the Nikon d3200 have?

This camera has a big sensor. If you read me regularly you will know that the sensor is, as we say in my town, the mother of the lamb. The bigger the sensor, the better (yes, for some things size does matter). In this case the sensor size of the D3200 is larger than most cameras in its range and even from some higher range (again, the D3200 beats the Canon 600D in this respect. 23.2×15.4mm sensor on the D3200, 22.3×14.9mm on the Canon 600D).

How many focus points does it have?

The D3200 boasts 11 focus points that enable very fast camera autofocus. In its day I used the D60 (which I keep with love) with nothing more than 3 focus points and I assure you that it suffers a lot when the focus points are so few. With 11 you go more than enough.

Other features

  • Optional Wi-Fi Transmitter: The Nikon D3200 is equipped with a port or connection in which we can connect a small Wi-Fi transmitter and thus be able to send our photos to the computer without cables, or even to the iPad.
  • Infrared Receiver: On the D3100 the user couldn’t use an IR remote shutter release, the D3100 didn’t allow it (unless an extra adapter was purchased etc.). The D3200 brings back this important feature.

Examples of features of the D3200

As I always say, never buy a camera without first having seen some sample of its photo and video features.

Here you can see a few photos taken with the camera in question.

Example 1 Photo Nikon D3200
Example 2 Photo Nikon D3200
Example 3 Photo Nikon D3200
Example 4 Photo Nikon D3200

And then an example that reflects the capabilities and greatness of video recording of this camera. (I recommend viewing it in HD version, full screen).

Watch out: Do not think that by having a cool camera you will “automatically” have such good photos and videos. What these examples show is what the camera allows you to do, but who has to do it is you. I insist on the usual: The photo is not made by the camera, it is made by the photographer. You.

How much is a Nikon D3200 camera worth?

In my opinion, the 400-odd euros that it costs make it extremely economical for the potential it offers.


Nikon has been able to update its line of SLR cameras for beginners with this splendid Nikon D3200 that makes the other cameras of the competition envy.

As always I hope you enjoyed this read. Please if you find useful these articles that I write don’t stop giving me a vote/recommendation below on your favorite social network. I will be very grateful to you.