By Priscilla Maciel (@losastrosdicen)
Each new moon marks an energy that will last for a month. However, the results of what we have started in this period will be seen six months after it, because what we start is according to the energy of the sign where this lunation has been made.
In this case, we will have a new moon on September 28 and it will be at 5 degrees of Libra. What we start will culminate with the full moon of this sign that will take place on April 7.
Do you want to know what energy this new phase will bring?
Libra is the sign of love, relationships and bonding, so it is a month to start things related to bonds and love. It is a good time to open up to the new: to a new project, to a new relationship, or to adopt new habits and embrace the opportunities that life offers us.
When a new moon is made, we analyze how the planets are in the cosmos to know what the energy of the month will be like and what will be asked of us during this period. In this case, the phase is governed by the planet Venus, which is in the sign of Libra and makes its energy very beneficial for us.
In addition, Venus will be making a very positive contact with Jupiter, and when this contact occurs, we are happy, we have joy, things go well for us and we are in harmony. We will be able to fall in love, and if we start a relationship with this transit, she will be blessed by the magic wand of love.
Venus also has to do with economics, so everything related to money and our values will also benefit. We can receive gifts or have more money in our wallet.
This new moon will be made next to a very beneficial fixed star called Zaniah, which brings with it refinement, order and honor. In this phase, it will bring us educational interests, popularity, social success, a lot of pleasure and it will be ideal for marriage.
Another planetary contact that will be made in the sky with this new moon will be a quincunx with Uranus, which is an aspect that brings discomfort in our lives when it is active. It is a light contact and it is something that is felt internally, such as nerves, tension and anxiety.
If we are stuck in some area of our life, this contact will make us review where this is happening to push us to make the necessary changes. Externally, there may be a situation where someone who has some authority over us makes us change something in our daily lives and that generates some tension in us.
However, this should not worry us, since the dominant contact in the sky will be that of Venus sextile Jupiter, which will make this month one full of parties, joy and fun. Let’s try to take advantage of it to meet people, go out, go to an art show, laugh, be happy and dance.
Each new moon brings us the opportunity to make our intentions in some area of our life. We will have to see where the 5 degrees of Libra fall in our chart and make our intentions in that area.
This is a quick guide, according to our rising sign, so that we can see in which area we can make the intentions.
– Aries: in our link area. We can start a bond in our life.
– Taurus: in our zone of routines and body. We can start a new job or start a new body treatment.
– Gemini: in our zone of love, entertainment and children. We can attract a new love or conceive a child if we wish.
– Cancer: in our home area. We can make repairs in our house or move to a new place.
– Leo: in our communicative zone and short trips. We can be interested in new studies or make a little getaway somewhere to rest for a few days.
-Virgo: in our economic zone. We will be able to have a new economic income or a new way to save or invest our money.
– Pound: in our person. It is our most important new moon and marks important beginnings in our lives.
– Scorpio: en our spiritual zone. We will be able to start that Yoga course that we wanted to do so much.
– Sagittarius: in our social area and future plans and projects. We will be able to start something new and also belong to a new social circle.
– Capricorn: in our professional area. We may have a new job or a new project in it.
– Aquarius: en our study area and long trips. We can take a long trip to exotic lands or start new studies.
– Pisces: in our shared resource area. We can request a loan from the bank, or have new commitments
* Priscilla Maciel is a Professional Astrologer specialized in predictive, horary and medieval astrology.