“My first errand”: the Japanese reality show that abandons children

The show has been broadcast since 2013, in Spanish it is known as “my first errand”. It is a Japanese reality show that is now broadcast on Netflix. Some criticize it young children are abandoned on public transport.

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The series “My first errand” arrives on streaming platforms

Has been Netflix who added this Japanese reality to its content grid. What is this program about? Well, it was thought to give security to the little ones. The idea is to show children doing errands around the city.

The cameras follow the children, from a distance. They run errands, usually shopping. For example: in the first episode appears HirokYo, two years old. This little one is sent to buy cakes, curries and flowers.

His mother gives him a ticket 1,000 yen in your pocket and gives you a list of what to buy. In this way, the child does his “first errand”; moving around the city without the company of any adult.


A success on Japanese television for 30 years

However, episodes purchased by Netflix start in 2013. Sometimes small walk up to 1.5 kilometers. In others, they walk down busy streets or use public transportation without help from anyone.

Each episode of this series has some 20 minutes long. There is enough care: the children are sent along routes without “suspicious people”. The cameras hide while filming them and there is surveillance on the little ones.

Neighbors in the areas are informed that there will be children alone, in this way unnecessary alarms are not caused. In fact, in Japan there is a law that requires you to warn the authorities if you see unaccompanied children under 4 years of age.

On the other hand, this responds to the way of Japanese culture. In the Asian nation, children are not seen as “they are always in danger”. Curiously, this way of thinking is very Western, but we do not perceive it.


A series that everyone can watch in streaming

Thanks to Netflix, it is possible to see this peculiar reality. However, in the West it may not work very well. Seeing two and six year olds taking public transport without apparent supervision is not very popular.

We insist that the above is a Western way of thinking, where parenting is understood “look after”; while in Japan parenting leans towards “give the child confidence”. Small details that make a lot of difference.

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What do you think of the program “My first errand”? It can be seen in streaming, possibly being very popular and commented on in the months to come.
