Mistakes you can’t make if you’re a copywriter – Academia de Consultores

To err is human, there will always be details that can get out of hand and it is normal. But don’t trust that premise and go through your texts making mistakes, because we know they can be avoided. That is why today we bring a list with the mistakes that you cannot make if you are a copywriter.

If you still don’t know what a copywriter is or what their job really is, we’ll explain it to you in a simple way. He is the person in charge of writing persuasive texts. That is the short definition, but a copywriter must have many qualities and we will leave you some.

Related content: What does a copywriter do? Functions and necessary training.

Qualities you should develop in copywriting

  1. Good spelling and grammar: to dedicate yourself to writing, you must know how to do it well. Imagine how negative it can be for a brand, launching a campaign with a text that has a spelling error or where the message is not clear. His goal would not be reached.
  2. Persuasiveness: a good copywriter must be a good salesperson, because that is the function of their texts: to persuade, convince, sell. This, like any quality, can be developed and improved with practice.
  3. Investigation: to write good texts, you will have to read a lot, you cannot keep what you get on the first page of your search engine or read the book halfway because you have already learned what you wanted. The investigation will be something of every day.
  4. Segmentation: It will be useless for you to meet the above requirements if you do not know how to separate your audience. You must know what qualities are important according to the text you write, so that your copywriting strategy works as well as possible.

Related content: Do you write accurately and effectively? Know the myths and truths of copywriting.

Mistakes you can’t make if you’re a copywriter

Now that you know some of the most important qualities, we present to you the mistakes that you cannot make if you are a copywriter.

1. Not making the message clear from the beginning

The time it takes a person to lose interest is minimal, you have seconds to capture their attention and let them know what the rest of the message is about. If you use confusing terms, a sentence that is too long or does not specify at least the niche, you are making a mistake that will lose customers.

From the first moment that a person reads your text, they must know what you mean, for this you can answer the following questions as you write it. We are sure that they will help you to give a better direction to your copywriting.

  • What is the main topic?
  • Who am I talking to?
  • What problem did I identify?
  • What will my solution be?

2. Add extra texts

Less is more, it applies in many cases and it applies to copywriting. Here it is about making life simple for the reader, that your message is understood and that it leads people to take a particular action. It is not necessary that you make a blog of two thousand words, if what you are going to explain you can do it in five hundred words.

You can repeat the action you want them to take several times, but always read your texts and ask other people to do it, better if it’s out loud. This way you will be able to realize what is unnecessary, what you can add or it will definitely not work.

3. Talk only about you

Your characteristics, those of your product or service, should be clear in the message, but not in the “we” format, that’s right, you can’t talk too much about yourself. Turn the features of your products into benefits for customers, this way they will know that they should buy from you because they will know the results that this will bring to their lives.

Be aware that your audience is looking for someone who offers them what they need, without having to ask for it. Therefore, show them in your texts that you are the perfect option, without putting yourself as the center, but rather them and the benefits they will obtain.

We hope this post helps you avoid making those mistakes! Do you know of any other bugs? We read you in the comments. 👇