Many times, life puts us in situations that we think we will not be able to handle. We are faced with conflicts that seem impossible to resolve, suddenly we have hundreds of responsibilities all together, and everything around us seems to be going to hell. However, we are still here. Standing. Pulling forward.
What is your strength? What is it that sustains you when everything falls apart?
This test will tell you. You just have to choose the figure with which you feel represented: the answer will tell you what your hidden strength is.
1. Intuition
If something keeps you awake in this life, it is your intuition. Although things seem impossible to solve, you somehow hit the key. You follow your heart, and you end up discovering which is the best way to go.
You have like a sixth sense that allows you to find your way out of even the darkest situations. Don’t put it aside, even if it’s scary, because it will always take you on the right path.
2. love
Your hidden strength is your ability to love. To respect others, give them love and always give the best of you.
Sometimes you feel like that’s actually a weakness. You may feel that no one returns all the love and understanding you give. But the truth is that it is your pure heart that keeps you going. Never doubt that being a good person is the best way.
3. Inspiration
Imagination, curiosity, a sense of aesthetics and creativity abound in your mind. You don’t always show them, but those characteristics are your hidden strength: that power that connects you with the world in difficult times.
You manage to heal when you connect with your inspiration, so it is very important that you give yourself moments to enjoy it.
4. Intelligence
Your intelligence always manages to get you out of trouble. That is your hidden strength, it is the power that allows you to find answers and solutions in any circumstance.
You are not a person who loses his temper easily, and you are aware that if something can be thought of, it can be done. You are able to take in details of your environment, even details that are imperceptible to others, and use them to your advantage.
5. Tenacity
If anything keeps you going, it’s your tenacity. You are able to move forward no matter what happens, because when you have a clear objective, there is nothing else that matters to you.
You can be a bit stubborn and that is precisely your hidden strength: you do not let yourself be intimidated or confused by anyone. You know what you want, how you want it, and if one plan to get it fails, you will try a new one. Your will is unbreakable and always guides you.
6. Healthy mind
You have the ability to keep your mind healthy no matter what is going on around you. Sometimes you lose your cool, but right away you find the tools to connect with your interior: with your thoughts and emotions.
Therefore, you manage to process what happens to you and move forward. A healthy mind does not mean that you do not suffer, that you are not sometimes afraid or anxious. But you understand that these sensations are temporary and that they do not modify your essence.