This is the sportsman Budimir Buddha Sobat, 54 years old. The swimmer from Croatia set the world record for remaining underwater without breathing, in static apnea mode for 24 minutes and 33 seconds.
The event took place in a swimming pool in the city of Sisak, in Central Croatia, where relatives and friends of the swimmer were present, as well as doctors, assistance personnel, journalists, fans, among other people.
Nevertheless, for Budimir the most important assistant was his daughter. Since it is she who inspires him to achieve every goal he sets for himself.
A challenge imposed by himself
By breaking this world record, Budimir outdid himself. Well, the previous time was 24 minutes and 11 seconds, holding his breath underwater, achieved by none other than himself.
However, the swimmer did it as a personal challenge, drawing inspiration from his daughter. A young woman who since the day of her birth has had to fight to stay alive. “If she doesn’t give up, neither will I,” Budimir said.
The moment he got out of the water and realized how much time he had achieved, the athlete showed his enormous emotion. He celebrated with his daughter, his family and friends, who were happy to have witnessed such a feat..
his biggest inspiration
Budimir often says that his daughter Sasa is the person who drives him to fight every day to be a better father, a better athlete and a better person. She she is 20 years old, autistic, was born with cerebral palsy and developed epilepsy at a very young age.
For his family, giving up is not an option. That is what Sasa has taught them the most, who since her birth has not stopped fighting. To stay alive, she has had to be strong and learn to pick herself up at every relapse.
On the other hand, Budimir requested that all the money raised thanks to his feat, be donated to the children of the city of Siska. Because this was the territory most affected by an earthquake that Croatia suffered in 2020.
Undoubtedly, Buddha Sobat is an athlete and an exemplary man. It is worth following in his footsteps, not only as an athlete but also as a person. Since, as he says, in life, giving up is not an option.