Medical Recipe in Word to Edit and Print in editable

A medical prescription is a document that is issued by a licensed or practicing physician, but who is legally qualified to provide drug prescriptions to patients. In them, the doctor, either personally or in a medical institution (public or private), prescribes medicines, the schedules and doses that the patient must follow, as well as food restrictions, diets, and other indications for care. of the health of the patient who is under certain medical treatment.

Specifying in particular the type of medication and the dose indicated for the patient (as well as their times), so that the person concerned (or, where appropriate, a family member or relatives of the patient) can purchase said drugs in pharmacies, provided that This document is necessary (and depending on the country’s legislation, it may be mandatory) for the acquisition of certain drugs, especially those drugs known as “restricted use”.

In this article, you will find:

Elements of a medical prescription:

To prepare a medical prescription, some essential requirements or data must be taken into account and some that, although they are not mandatory, are usually placed in them.

  • Name of the clinic, office or medical institution
  • Address of the establishment where it is issued
  • Phone
  • Email (optional)
  • Registry of the Ministry of Health
  • Physician’s professional license
  • Name of the doctor as well as his specialty (the latter is usually optional)
  • Name of the patient Age of the patient (optional)
  • Patient height (optional)
  • Patient weight (optional)
  • Temperature measured during consultation (optional)
  • Heart rate (optional)
  • Type and name of the drug or drugs prescribed (in some countries the active substance of the drug is expressed)
  • Working hours and working days of the clinic or medical institution, in the name of which the doctor issues the prescription (optional).

Format of a medical prescription:

In a medical prescription, the doctor tells the patient what medicines to order at the pharmacy, as well as the times, quantity and route of administration (oral, injected, inhaled, etc.), depending on the particular case. They usually also indicate contraindicated foods and drinks, as well as which medications should not be combined.

Click to download and print a prescription format in Word that you can modify to your liking.

Sample prescription:

Medical Clinic San Judas Tadeo SC

Hope Street No. 666 Col Doctores Mexico DFCP0045969. SSA: 15-08-0027/09

Dr. Jorge Jiménez Jovial General Physician Ced.Prof.3335790 Tel: 55-00-00-00-00 Cel.: 044-55-00-00-00-00.

Patient: Pablo Edmundo Wilfrido Clemente Fernández. Age: 30 years. Date: 9/12/2016

Weight: 69K, 200g. Size 173M Temperature: 36.3. TA 120/70. Allergies: Vegetables

Diagnosis: recurrent tension headache.

Medication(s): Doloneurobion-Forte

Take 1 capsule every 12 hours for 15 days.

Active substance: Diclofenac/Thiamine/Pyridoxine/Cyanocobalamin.

Indications: Avoid tension, stressful situations, and rest often.

Diet: There is no diet, you can eat the usual.

Dr. Jorge Jimenez Jovial


Example of a medical prescription to perform a clinical analysis

Medical prescription format to print in Word:

Click to download and print a prescription format in Word that you can modify to your liking.

Cite in APA format:

Del Moral, M. (2023, January 17). Medical Prescription in Word to Edit and Print. . /examples-of-medical-prescription/