Many times we have heard about the energy of people, about the positive or negative vibe, and even, in recent times, about the yellow halo or the blue aura.
However, few know what exactly is the meaning of this, what are the aura colors and how to interpret it.
For this reason, in the following article we detail everything there is to know in this matter to better understand what surrounds people, what energy fields are like and how they influence daily life.
What is the aura?
Before talking about the aura colorsit is necessary to detail what it is about and what this refers to.
The word comes from aer, which in Greek means “breeze”. Its meaning is related to the irradiation that something or someone emanates, and that generates a sensation in the rest of the living beings that are around.
How many times have you been with a person that you feel raises your energy, empowers you or, on the contrary, takes away your vitality? This is because the aura functions as an energy field that covers people or objects, which is not visible to the eye of all humans, but that many people can perceive.
exist different aura colorswhich can even provide details of their way of being or living, as is the case with yellow halo or the blue aura that has already been mentioned and that will be expanded in detail in this article.
Just as it is not detectable with the naked eye for all humans, if you are not from the privileged group that can innately realize it, it is necessary to work spiritually and apply some specific methods to recognize one’s own aura and detect which one each person possesses.
Aura colors: meaning
As already mentioned, one of the most carried out searches in recent times is that of the meaning of yellow halo, but there are several colors that reflect a different type of personality and energy.
Red. Associated with the first chakra, Muladhara, root chakra. This type of aura is linked to motivation, leadership and sexuality. Therefore, people who wear it usually have sexual vitality, love-hate passions and have a good relationship with nature. They are related to materialistic thoughts.
His desire is to succeed and meet all his goals. They are usually affectionate and protective with their loved ones. They bring vitality to the rest of the people
They must try to work on their aura and detach themselves from the material and competitive part, to cling more to what is simple and natural.
Orange. Second chakra or Svadhisthana, navel or sexual chakra. A very active personality stands out, full of vitality, due to the energetic charge. They are usually happy, positive and honest people. People with this type of aura generate joy in others.
They are usually adventurous and enjoy new experiences, travel and sports, and adapt to new situations quickly. His suffering comes from conflicts related to intimate life, betrayal and litigation.
Yellow Aura. Associated with the third chakra, manipura or solar plexus, personality is usually related to high self-esteem, good communication, and creativity. Sociable, creative, cheerful and magnetic people. They are useful for increasing objectivity. Good ability to choose.
It is the aura related to the intellect and incredibly intelligent people. Your job should be to not get lost in your ideas and in every detail of the situations.
Pink. Fourth chakra, Anahata or heart. It manifests itself in people who enjoy a quiet life, nature and their loved ones. They have a strong spirituality and bring sensitivity. They are very emotional and receptive subjects. They have a strong sensitivity for everyone, including nature and animals.
Green. Also linked with the fourth chakra. Its usefulness is purification and balance. They are usually calm, balanced and cheerful people. They are objective and persevering. As the color is linked to health, it is not illogical that people with this type of aura dedicate themselves to professions related to medicine.
Blue Aura. The linked chakra is the fifth, Vishuddha or throat chakra, it speaks of a calm, balanced person who transmits strength and energy. They are loyal, honest and idealistic, with a good sense of responsibility. They usually bring tranquility and relaxation. Listening and communication skills.
Violet. Related to the sixth chakra, Ajna or the third eye. They are people who generate sensitivity and self-respect. They are related to love, psychic ability and spiritual thoughts. Calm and thoughtful personalities. His thoughts are directed to higher and esoteric knowledge. They have to be careful not to close up in their thoughts.
white or silver. Linked to the seventh chakra, Sahasrara or crown. When it is bright, it indicates truth, purity and creativity. People are attracted to people with a white aura, so these subjects should take special care of those energy vampires, that is, people who consume their energy.
They have a well-developed intuition and a strong mental connection.
Golden. Linked to harmony, enthusiasm and inspiration. They are people who offer protection and purity.
There are also colors that indicate that a person’s aura is dirty. These colors do not appear innately, but are auras that have become dirty for various reasons. These can be differentiated by the colors mentioned above that are presented in an opaque way, instead of bright, or even with tones linked to:
Gray. They are usually people with depression and dark thoughts. Not to be confused with the silver or white tone.
Brown. People who are not connected to spirituality and even deny it.
Black. It is a color that is usually associated with misfortunes but, in turn, the strength of the person to take care of negative energies, in this case of herself.
The three colors can reflect some illness or negative traits in the character of the people who possess it.
Variations in yellow aura
Although the meaning of the yellow aura has already been detailed, there are some variations in this color. how it was expressed, the color should be bright, if it is opaque it may be possible that the person has to do a cleaning.
Now if the yellow halo appears secondary, and not as the main color, implies that the person has projects and goals to fulfill and that it is time to carry them out.
It is possible that If it appears in this way, the person has lost his way or feels tired. If you are in this stage, focus on your ideas to be able to develop them and get out of that pond.
This situation can be considered as a negative variant of the yellow haloas well as the dark or more greenish color.
Methods to know the aura
If you are one of those people who cannot detect their own aura and do not know numerology either, perhaps one of these two methods can help you.
In principle, you need to know that it is not an easy path to know your energy field and what color predominates in it. It requires a lot of patience, work and concentration.
One of the options is known as mirror method. For this, the person should be located in a quiet place, with a mirror in front of them. Take slow, deep breaths with your eyes closed, then open them and focus on the image reflected in the mirror. The color it radiates will be that of his aura.
Furthermore, there is the wall method which is similar to the previous one. The subject must stand in front of a white wall, with his nose glued to it, and fix his eyes on a fixed point. After deep and slow breaths, and with a lot of work, the person will be able to see a color that emanates from himself. This represents her aura.
You already know the meaning of the colors of the aura and in particular the yellow aura. What color do you have?
Sources: Esoteric Guide, Color Meaning and White Brotherhood