Lime Yuz

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Hello! SI am a certified digital marketing consultant.

I love sharing with people like you the route you must take to position yourself correctly and know what to publish on social networks, on the web and on the blog.

I exist to serve you.
My passion is helping to position a brand in the digital world by applying digital marketing strategies.

For more than 5 years I have worked with brands in Mexico, Peru, Spain and Colombia helping them to make their potential clients fall in love through digital media such as social networks, website and email marketing.

On my website you can learn more about me and if you have specific questions, we can gladly chat on Instagram.

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Mentoring “From Less to More”

Service features

My mentoring is a digital marketing program in which I will teach you and guide you to position yourself in the digital world to attract the right people and turn them into customers.

I help my clients who take this program with weekly sessions and daily monitoring to make sure they correctly execute the digital strategies I develop for their brand.

My methodology is based on the 4 pillars of digital marketing: Website, blog, email marketing and social networks. I teach to establish them from scratch to attract more people, make them clients or collaborators.

My clients mention that it is the help they need to have clarity, security and support in their growth process in digital marketing.

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