In our previous article we talked about the beginning of the fight for gay rightsfrom the 19th century to the 1930s. LGBT movement would resume its momentum again after the Second War, in 1945, a stage known as homophile movement. The name “homophile” means that he loves an equal, and I seek to focus the debate around the theme of love, and not just sexuality. They worked towards the dissemination of scientific information and public debate.
Due to its form of action, within the history of the LGBT Movement these groups are considered politically moderate, due to their usual caution – with exceptions such as harry hay– in the actions. During this time many new associations of homosexuals in different countries like Holland, USA, England Y Denmarkand a large number of magazines to disseminate the subject.
In 1969 there was a real turning point in the fight for the rights of the gay community. At this moment begins the last stage in the history of the LGBT movement: the Gay Liberation Movement. The June 28, 1969 there was an episode of police harassment in a raid on the gay-friendly bar Stonewall Innin Greenwich Village, New York. The riots caused in reaction spread through the streets of the neighborhood for three days.
For the first time homosexual community was involved in a direct confrontation with the forces of order. And such a conflict acted as a glue for the many small homophile organizations, until then disjointed among themselves. Shortly thereafter he formed New York the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), later replaced by the group Gay Activists Alliance.
The global impact of the events in Greenwich Village It was very important. The subject had jumped to the public opinion inevitably. The movement gained strength and in many other countries they developed LGBT organizations nationals: (Canada, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Argentina, Mexico, Australia Y New Zealand). The objective is to obtain the total equalization of rights and social equality.
The anniversary of the stonewall riotthe group GLF organized a peaceful march in New York, with more than 5,000 participants. Hence the tradition of commemorating the emergence of the gay liberation movementthe June 28th each year with the festivities and the famous Gay Pride Parade.
Currently the LGBT movement has gained great strength. getting the decriminalization in most of Europe Y America. The main claim today is the right to civil union and to marriage between people of the same sex. Looking for the equal rights in matters such as inheritance, social security, tax benefits, adoption, etc.
It has been achieved in some countries, not without an arduous social and political struggle, including: Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden Y Portugal. Also in six states of USAin the city of Buenos Aires and in the Federal District of Mexico.
More information
LGBT movement on Wikipedia
LGBT Pride Madrid
March for the rights of the homosexual community in 1976, on Wikipedia